International Research Workshop

Advanced High Performance Computing Systems


Cetraro (Italy), June 27 - 29, 2011








Recent progress in information technology like commodity processing components, multicore, hierarchical memory architectures, fast communication, increased density, virtualization and other  middleware software and tools, and new paradigms like grid and cloud computing, have the potential for High Performance Computing (HPC) as a tool to gain much broader acceptance of high-performance computer simulations and data processing, in wider areas of research and industry, than ever before. On the other hand, the extremely fast pace this change is happening causes new kinds of challenges in technological, mental, and even political areas which have to be addressed to enable wider acceptance and implementation of these new technologies and paradigms.


Therefore, main aim of this workshop is to present and debate advanced topics, open questions, future developments, and challenging applications related to advanced high-performance distributed computing and data systems, like grids and clouds as mentioned above. In the following, we present just a few examples of topics which are important to being addressed at the workshop.


Emerging computing paradigms such as grid and cloud computing, and technologies like virtualization and multi-core/many-core demand new developments and techniques in system middleware, tools, libraries, and applications. In addition, Green computing is an emerging model in Green IT to optimize energy consumption as it is called energy efficient computing. Besides conventional performance metrics in scheduling such as utilization and throughput, energy consumption is another metric which is introduced by energy efficient computing.


One important topic in this context is resource scheduling in complex distributed systems like HPC clusters, grids, and clouds. Within the last two decades schedulers have been designed in such a way to solely optimize packing of jobs as a means to improve scheduling metrics. However, these packing-based mechanisms are not context-aware e.g. taking into account interaction of users. Context-aware scheduling, e.g. user-aware scheduling, is a new generation of scheduling which has been introduced in recent years. Context-aware scheduling opens new ways of research taking into account context, resource management, admission control, pricing strategy and many more.


Another important topic in HPC is now Cloud Computing. We are seeing more and more government funded cloud testbeds and projects like Magellan or the US’ Cloud-First policy and the Japanese Kasumigaseki Cloud. Commercial cloud service providers like Amazon, Penguin, and SGI are now offering HPC-focused infrastructure, platform, and application services. On the other hand, it is still not well understood which kinds of applications are suitable for and benefit from those clouds. For example, careful application benchmarking of different cloud infrastructures still have to be performed and compared with local runs on physical machines.


Strongly related to the topic of clouds is Green IT, because clouds are making computing also more energy-efficient. By storing and running processes on the cloud, applications can share the resources sitting on a wide network of servers, which can keep them from going idle and wasting the energy used to power them. IT consulting firm Accenture estimates that companies could cut energy consumption and carbon emissions by 30 percent by switching over to the cloud.


Another trend which goes well together with clouds and with Green-IT is resource virtualization. Consolidating servers using a virtualization process not only provides savings in terms of how many physical machines must be bought and maintained, but also potentially reduces the amount of physical space that a company needs for its servers or data center. Since virtualization allows a variety of operating systems and software configuration settings to be used on a single machine, application virtualization provides a much more flexible way for companies to run applications. The flexibility benefits of virtualization mean that all those operating systems and applications could potentially be run on a single piece of hardware. As such, efficiently using hardware is one of the biggest benefits of virtualization.



Summarizing, the aim of this special workshop is to shed some light on key topics in advanced computing systems and, in particular, to address the aforementioned contemporary scheduling topics. For that, the two and a half day program of this workshop will have about ten invited talks by experts in the field.






Workshop topics will be related to advanced and emerging distributed computing systems and include, but are not limited to, any of the following ones:


·    Cloud Computing

·    Intelligent Scheduling

·    Green Computing

·    Virtualization

·    Data and Computing in the Petaflops and Exascale Era






·        I. Llorente                                     Spain

·        J. Dongarra                                   U.S.A.

·        L. Grandinetti                                Italy

·        W. Gentzsch                                 Germany

·        G. Joubert                                     The Netherlands

·        H. Casanova                                 U.S.A.

·        I. Foster                                        U.S.A.

·        M. Devare                                    India

·        M. Bubak                                     Poland

·        P.M.A. Sloot                                The Netherlands

·        V. Turchenko                                Ukraine

·        J. Kowalik                                    U.S.A.







·        Lucio Grandinetti

·        Wolfgang Gentzsch

·        M. Sheikhalishahi

·        M. Al Baali

·        J. Kowalik






The List of Speakers is available in the Program page.






·        Microsoft

·        IBM

·        Juelich Supercomputing Center

·        T-Systems

·        NICE

·        University of Calabria – Department of Electronics, Informatics and Systems

·        NEC






The workshop will be held at the Grand Hotel San Michele, a charming Hotel on the Tyrrhenian coast of Southern Italy with surrounding green park, golf facilities and private beach.

The Hotel is very close to a fisherman village named Cetraro, near Cosenza, a city of Southern Italy.


Enquiries about the technical programme and applications for participation in the workshop should be sent to:


Prof. Lucio Grandinetti

Dipartimento Elettronica, Informatica, Sistemistica – Università della Calabria

87036 Rende - Cosenza - Italy

Phone: +39-984-494731

Fax: +39-984-494847








All contributions to the Workshop are invited original research papers not previously published.

Since the number of participants will be limited, AN EARLY APPLICATION IS RECOMMENDED.






A selection of the papers presented will be published in a special issue of the well established Elsevier Journal “Future Generation Computer Systems”.








Two accommodation types are available at the workshop’s hotel:


1.      Rooms in the main hotel building

Type of Accommodation

Price in Euros

Single room


Double room (double occupancy)

140,00 p.p.

Double room (used as single)


Suite (multiple occupancy)

190,00 p.p.



All prices are intended PER PERSON, PER DAY.


They include accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

The Hotel’s number of rooms available is limited. The single rooms are very few.

An early booking is recommended.



2.      Rooms in the Hotel annex buildings “maisonnettes

The “Maisonnettes” are Hotel annex buildings, located within a green park, at a walking distance from the main building and the congress center.

The “Maisonnettes” can accommodate one/two/three/four persons.

This type of accommodation is particularly suitable for small groups or families.

The price is 110 Euro for single occupancy and 90 Euro for multiple occupancy.

The price is per person, per day, covering both accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

The price per person in a double room (main Hotel building) or in a multiple occupancy (“Maisonnettes”) refers to workshop participants.

The case of special arrangements (e.g. children accommodation, suite accommodation, etc.) is handled by the Workshop Secretariat.



The number of rooms available is very limited.

An early booking is recommended.




Hotel reservations will be managed by the Workshop Secretariat (lugran @






to specify the accommodation required.








A pick up service will be provided, free of charge, to those who will fill in the









The Agenda is available in the Program page.