HPC 2018


High Performance Computing




An International Advanced Workshop




July 2 – 6, 2018, Cetraro, Italy






Programme Committee


Sponsors &

Media Partners








Final Programme


Programme Committee


University of Calabria


Los Alamos National Laboratory


University of Salento


EOFS formerly Hewlett Packard Enterprise


Argonne National Lab.


Argonne National Lab. and University of Chicago


National Research Council of Italy


University of Tennessee


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.


Argonne National Lab. and University of Chicago


Indiana University


The UberCloud


Technical University Clausthal


Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm


The Aerospace Corporation


Juelich Supercomputing Centre


Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center


University of Southern California


Tokyo Institute of Technology


Argonne National Laboratory


Rutgers University


University of Utah and Pacific Northwest National Lab


Indiana University


Argonne National Laboratory


IDA/Center for Computing Sciences


Moscow State University ‘Lomonosov


























































Center of Excellence for High Performance Computing, UNICAL, Italy


Institute for Advanced Simulation, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany


Organizing Committee



T. LIPPERT (Co-Chair)




























Swiss National Supercomputing Centre




Hewlett Packard Enterprise
















Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione

Università del Salento

DipIngInn_solo giallo

National Research Council of Italy - ICAR - Institute for High Performance Computing and Networks




Media Partners






Free Amazon web Service credits for all HPC 2018 delegates


Amazon is very pleased to be able to provide $200 in service credits to all HPC 2018 delegates. Amazon Web Services provides a collection of scalable high performance and data-intensive computing services, storage, connectivity, and integration tools. AWS allows you to increase the speed of research and to reduce costs by providing Cluster Compute or Cluster GPU servers on-demand. You have access to a full-bisection, high bandwidth network for tightly-coupled, IO-intensive workloads, which enables you to scale out across thousands of cores for throughput-oriented applications.




















UberCloud is the online community and marketplace platform for engineers and scientists to discover, try, and buy computing time, on demand, in the Cloud. Our novel software containers facilitate software packaging and portability, simplify access and use of cloud resources, and ease software maintenance and support for end-users and their service providers.


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Jim Ahrens

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos, NM



Ned Allen

Lockheed – Martin Corporation

Bethesda, MA



Ilkay Altintas

San Diego Supercomputer Center


Computer Science and Engineering Department

University of California at San Diego

San Diego, CA



Katrin Amunts

Human Brain Project

Chair of The Science and Infrastructure Board / Scientific Research Director

Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine

Structural and Functional Organisation of the Brain

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich

Juelich, Germany


Institute for Brain Research

Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf

University Hospital Duesseldorf

Duesseldorf, Germany


Peter Beckman

Exascale Technology and Computing Institute

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL



Rupak Biswas

Exploration Technology Directorate

High End Computing Capability Project

NASA Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, CA



Gil Bloch

HPC and Artificial Intelligence Arch

Mellanox Technologies

Sunnyvale, CA



Brendan Bouffler

Scientific Computing

Amazon Web Services




Francisco Brasileiro

Distributed Systems Lab

System and Computing Department

Federal University of Campina Grande

Campina Grande



Ronald Brightwell

Center for Computing Research

Sandia National Laboratories

Albuquerque, NM



Jonathan Carter

Computing Sciences Area

Computational Research Division

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley, CA



Giulio Chiribella

Department of Computer Science

University of Oxford




Department of Computer Science

The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong



Alok Choudhary

McCormick School of Engineering

EECS Department


Kellogg School of Management

Northwestern University

Evanston, IL



Jack Dongarra

Innovative Computing Laboratory

Computer Science Dept.

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN



Giacinto Donvito

INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

EOSC – Hub Technology




Matthew Dosanjh

Center for Computing Research

SANDIA National Laboratories

Albuquerque, NM



Sudip S. Dosanjh

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley, CA



Nicolas Dube

Exascale Systems Technology




Ian Foster

Math & Computer Science Div.

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL


Dept of Computer Science

The University of Chicago

Chicago, IL



Geoffrey Fox

School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering

Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering


Digital Science Center


Data Science program

University of Indiana

Bloomington, IN



Wolfgang Gentzsch

The UberCloud




Sunnyvale, CA



Vladimir Getov

Department of Engineering

Faculty of Science and Technology

University of Westminster




Sergei Gorlatch

Universitaet Muenster

Institut für Informatik




Itay Hen

University of Southern California

Information Sciences Institute

Los Angeles, CA



Martin Hilgeman

High Performance Computing





Vinod Kamath


Data Center Group

Morrisville, North Carolina



Carl Kesselman

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


Information Sciences Institute

University of Southern California

Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, CA



Hiroaki Kobayashi

Architecture Laboratory

Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Tohoku University

Sendai Miyagi



Kimmo Koski

CSC - IT Center for Science




Craig Lee

Computer Systems Research Dept.

The Aerospace Corporation

El Segundo, CA



Thomas Lippert

Juelich Supercomputing Centre

Forschungszentrum Juelich




Álvaro López García

Advanced Computing and  e-Science

Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria - IFCA

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)




Yutong Lu

National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou

Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center




Satoshi Matsuoka

RIKEN Center for Computational Science



Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences

Tokyo Institute of Technology




Kristel Michielsen

Institute for Advanced Simulation

Quantum Information Processing Group

Jülich Supercomputing Centre

Forschungszentrum Jülich



RWTH Aachen University




Kenichi Miura

Fujitsu Laboratories of America


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Sunnyvale, CA



Masoud Mohseni

Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Google Inc.

Venice, CA



Mark Moraes

Engineering Department

D. E. Shaw Research

New York, N.Y.



Yuichi Nakamura

Central  Research  Laboratories





Manish Parashar

Dept. of Computer Science

Rutgers University

Piscataway, NJ



Valerio Pascucci

University of Utah

Center for Extreme Data Management, Analysis and Visualization,

Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute,

School of Computing


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Salt Lake City, UT



Francesco Petruccione

Quantum Research Group

Quantum Information Processing and Communication

School of Chemistry and Physics

University of KwaZulu-Natal




Marco Pistoia

Quantum Computing Software

IBM Watson Research Center

Yorktown Heights, N.Y.



Judy Qiu

School of Informatics and Computing


Pervasive Technology Institute

Indiana University



Avadh Saxena

Los Alamos National Lab

Los Alamos, NM



Max Shulaker

Microsystems Technology Laboratories

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Boston, MA



Thomas Sterling

School of Informatics and Computing


CREST Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN



Rick Stevens

Argonne National Laboratory


Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago

Argonne and Chicago



Frederick Streitz

High Performance Computing Innovation Center

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Livermore, CA



Francis Sullivan

IDA/Center for Computing Sciences

Bowie, MD



Kazuya Takemoto

Technology Development Group

Digital Annealer Project

Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.




Domenico Talia

Department of Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Systems


DtoK Lab

University of Calabria



William Tang

Princeton University

Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences, Plasma Physics Section

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory


Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering




Michela Taufer

Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences

Biomedical Engineering


Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology


Global Computing Lab

University of Delaware

Newark, DE



Eric Van Hensbergen

ARM Research

Austin, TX



Vladimir Voevodin

Moscow State University

Research Computing Center




Amy Wang

The University of Hong Kong


Zhejiang University



Colin Williams

D-WAVE System Inc.

Strategy and Corporate Development



Robert Wisniewski

Exascale Computing

INTEL Corporation

New York, NY



Rio Yokota

Global Scientific Information and Computing Center

Advanced Computing Research Division

Advanced Applications of High-Performance Computing Group

Tokyo Institute of Technology







Workshop Agenda

Monday, July 2nd






9:00 – 9:15

Welcome Address

Session I


State of the Art and Future Scenarios


9:15 – 9:45

J. Dongarra

High Performance Computing and Big Data: Challenges for the Future


9:45 – 10:15


High-Performance Big Data Computing Environments


10:15 – 10:45


Learning Systems for Science


10:45 – 11:15


From Post-K to Cambrian Explosion of Computing and Big Data in the Post-Moore Era


11:15 – 11:45



11:45 – 12:15


Computing Landscape 2030: New Architectures and Computing Models, Machine Learning Based Software, Neurons and Entanglement


12:15 – 12:45


Contemplating Non-von Neumann Computing for Zetaflops and Dynamic Graphs


12:45 – 13:00


Session II


Emerging Computer Systems and Solutions


16:00 - 16:30


Systems Packaging Technology for Efficient Cooling for Dense HPC Solutions in a Data Center


16.30 – 17:00


Non-Quantum Effects in Data Production


17:00 – 17:25


HPC platform efficiency and challenges for a system builder


17:25 – 17:50


Achieving bit-wise reproducible results on Anton, a special-purpose supercomputer for molecular dynamics simulation


17:50 – 18:15


Bootstrapping an HPC Ecosystem A Retrospective on Arm’s First Six Years in High Performance Computing


18:15 – 18:45



18:45 – 19:10


System architecture opens up thanks to next generation optics


19:10 – 19:35


Operations and R&D of Vector Supercomputers and their Applications


19:35 – 20:00


InfiniBand In-Network Computing Technology and Roadmap


20:00 – 20:10




Tuesday, July 3rd





Session III


Advances in HPC Technology and Systems, Architecture and Software


9:00 – 9:25


Next-Generation Computing: Transitioning Beyond-Silicon Technologies from Idea to Reality


9:25 – 9:50


Who [Should] Care about HPC Software


9:50 – 10:15


The Upcoming Storm: The Implications of Increasing Core Count on Scalable System Software


10:15 – 10:40


A Systematic Approach to Developing High-Performance, Portable GPU Programs


10:40 – 11:05


How To Go Beyond the Limitations of the Current Benchmarking Methodology?


11:05 – 11:35


Session IV


Extreme Scale Computing


11:35 - 12:00


Towards Next Generation Chinese Supercomputer


12:00 – 12:25


Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Interconnects


12:25 – 12:50


Modeling the Next-Generation High Performance Schedulers


12:50 – 13:00


Session V


AI on HPC Platforms


16:45 – 17:15


Deep Learning Acceleration of Progress toward Delivery of Fusion Energy


17:15 – 17:45


Artificial Intelligence at the Edge: How Deep Learning is transforming research at the edge


17:45 – 18:15


Adaptive Decision Making and Improved Data Understanding for Experimental Science Using Statistical Machine Learning and High Performance Computing


18:15 – 18:45



18:45 – 19:15


Scaling Deep Learning to Thousands of GPUs


19:15 – 19:45


Machine Learning on In-house HPC


19:45 – 20:00




Wednesday, July 4th






Session VI




9:00 – 9:25


D-Wave’s Approach to Quantum Computing: Past, Present, and Future


9:25 – 9:50


Acqua: Building Chemistry, AI and Optimization Quantum Applications


9:50 – 10:15


Quantum Processing Units: A Post-Exascale Accelerator?


10:15 – 10:40


Towards quantum-assisted optimization and machine learning on Google Quantum Cloud


10:40 – 11:05


Simulation on and HPC simulation of quantum computers and  quantum annealers

11:05 – 11:30



11:30 – 11:55


Digital Annealer: Quantum-inspired Computing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems


11:55 – 12:20


Data Compression for Quantum Population Coding


12:20 – 12:45


Power of Analog Quantum Computers: Theory and Reality


12:45 – 13:00


Session VII




16:00 – 16:30


Supervised learning on quantum computers


16:30 - 17:00


Beyond Moore’s Law: Quantum Computing at Los Alamos


17:00 – 17:30


Quantum Computing at NASA


17:30 – 18:00


Quassical Computing


18:00 – 18:30



18:30 – 20:00

PANEL DISCUSSION: “The Intersection of Quantum Computing and HPC

Chairmen: J. Carter and S. Dosanjh, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.A.



Thursday, July 5th





Session VIII


BIG DATA Challenges and Perspectives


9:00 – 9:25


Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization for Exascale Supercomputers and Experimental Facilities


9:25 – 9:50


Kakute: A Precise, Unified Information Flow Analysis System for Big-data Security


9:40 – 10:15


High-Performance Big Data Computing with Harp-DAAL


10:15 – 10:40


Scientific Workflows, Big Data, and Extreme-Scales: Challenges, Opportunities and Some Solutions


10:40 – 11:05


The Future is Collaborative: Paving the Way for a Collaborative Computational Data Science Ecosystem for Big Data and Big Compute

11:05 – 11:35



11:35 – 12:00


Extreme Scale Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Science


12:00 – 12:25


Challenges in big data computing on HPC platforms


12:25 – 12:50


Sometimes the Complexity Really IS Exponential


12:50 – 13:00


Session IX


Cloud Computing Technology and Systems


16:30 – 17:00


Cloud Federation as an Evolutionary Path from Grid Computing


17:00 – 17:25


Fogbow: a Middleware for the Federation of IaaS Cloud Providers


17:25 – 17:50


Deploying Complex User Applications over Hybrid Cloud Deployments Based on Open Standards


17:50 – 18:15


The Evolution of the EOSC in the Context of the EOSC-Hub Project


18:15 – 18:45



18:45 – 19:15


Accelerating Materials Design and Discovery with Data Science and Machine Learning


19:15 – 19:45


HPC in the Cloud – and update from the field


19:45 – 20:00




Friday, July 6th





Session X


Challenging applications of HPC and Clouds


9:00 – 9:25


Technical Challenges of Exascale Supercomputing


9:25 – 9:50


THE HUMAN BRAIN ATLAS – why do we need supercomputers?


9:50 – 10:15


Moving Towards Personalized Medicine - Simulating the Living Heart and the Living Brain with Cloud HPC


10:15 – 10:40


Multi-scale simulation of Ras proteins on lipid bilayers


10:40 – 11:05


Application Performance of Physical System Simulations


11:05 – 11:35



11:35 – 12:00


High-Level Operations for Programming Social Data Analysis on Clouds


12:00- 12:25


MRG8:Random Number Generator for the Million-plus core Era


12:25 – 12:50


Road towards exascale – comments on the practical and economical aspects


12:50 – 13:00








Paul Messina

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL






Gerhard Joubert

Technical University Clausthal






Kristel Michielsen

Institute for Advanced Simulation

Quantum Information Processing Group

Jülich Supercomputing Centre

Forschungszentrum Jülich






Peter Beckman

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL






Ian Foster

Math & Computer Science Div.

Argonne National Laboratory

& Dept of Computer Science

The University of Chicago

Chicago, IL







Rick Stevens

Argonne National Laboratory and Department of Computer Science

The University of Chicago

Argonne and Chicago






Thomas Sterling

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN






Geoffrey Fox

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN






Wolfgang Gentzsch

The UberCloud




Sunnyvale, CA





Paul Messina

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL





The Intersection of Quantum Computing and HPC


Chairmen: J. Carter and S. Dosanjh, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., U.S.A.


During the past several decades, supercomputing speeds have gone from Gigaflops to Teraflops to Petaflops. As the end of Moore’s law approaches, the HPC community is increasingly interested in disruptive technologies that could help continue these dramatic improvements in capability. This interactive panel will identify key technical hurdles in advancing quantum computing to the point it becomes useful to the HPC community. Some questions to be considered:


  • When will quantum computing become part of the HPC infrastructure?
  • What are the key technical challenges (hardware and software)?
  • What HPC applications might be accelerated through quantum computing?
  • Are new algorithms needed?



Panelists: P. Beckman (Argonne National Lab., USA), Y. Lu (National Supercomputing Center, CHINA), M. Mohseni (GOOGLE, USA), M. Pistoia (IBM, USA), T. Sterling (Indiana University, USA), K. Takemoto (FUJITSU, JAPAN), C. Williams, (D-WAVE Systems, CANADA), M. Shulaker (MIT, USA), N. Dubé, Exascale Systems Technology, USA.


Back to Session VII


Poster Session

July 2 – 6, 2018


Exhibition Conference Room


Distributed Resource management in Fog Computing


Seyedeh Leili Mirtaher, Hamid Reza Shirzad

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kharazmi University, Iran



Internet of things (IoT) is happening and many equipment are being connected to the Internet.  Processing of IoT requests have been transferred to cloud computing systems forcing a big challenge on real-time processing. Fog computing is known to provide processing on edge of the network system and a promising solution to this challenge. Nature of fog computing system is distributed and all nodes try to find the needed resources themselves, actually designing a distributed resource management is a necessity. This paper is motivated to address the resource management challenge in fog computing. Distributed resource management in fog computing, requires finding the shortest path to resources, performed by each distributed node. In this research, we apply ant colony algorithm to find the shortest path. We use Swarm intelligence is the main feature of the ant colony algorithm, and its combination with travelling salesman that helps to find the shortest path in a completely distributed manner. The evaluation results show the performance of the proposed method is improved in comparison with the similar methods that identify the shortest path from both spatial and temporal point of view.



Where Optimization Meets Big Data: A Review

 Reza Shahbazian, Francesca Guerriero

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria, Italy



Internet, media, mobile devices, and sensors continuously collect massive amounts of data. Learning from this data gives improvements in science and quality of life. Big Data is a big blessing; that also presents big challenges arising from its inherent characteristics, namely Volume, Variety and Velocity. Big Data is impossible to analyze by using a central processor and therefore, distributed processing with parallelization is preferred. Data analytics often must be performed real-time or near real time. Gaining an answer to the analysis demands on almost real-time, is almost preferred to a precise decision but in a timely manner. Optimization algorithms for Big Data aim to reduce the computational, storage, and communications challenges. The data and parameter sizes of Big Data optimization problems are too large to process locally and since the Big Data models are inexact, optimization algorithms no longer need to find the high accuracy solutions. In this paper, we provide an overview of this emerging field; describe optimization methods used for Big Data Analytics (BDA) like first-order methods, randomization and convex algorithms.



Internet of Things Suite: Services, Solutions

Mehdi Sheikhalishahi

Innotec21 GmbH, Germany



Internet of Things (IoT) has been already peneterated into industrial processes for large industrial sectors and applications. In order to make it possible for IoT to leverage its full potentials in the small businesses, enterprieses, and sectors, it needs to be augumented with a low-cost, low-power, and long-range communications for IoT devices and gateways. To that extend in this talk, at the hardware side, we propose an IoT sensing platform with the characteristics of low-cost, low-power, and long-range based on open hardware methodologies (e.g. Arduino, Raspberry PI), communication standards (e.g. LoRa). At software side, we present WAZIUP cloud platform to digest IoT data and make it available to applications, and services. On the other hand, an innovative visualization framework based on modern Web technologies will process data for analytics, and visualizations. This work has been received funding from EC-funeded projects WAZIUP, and WAZIHUB.






Adaptive Decision Making and Improved Data Understanding for Experimental Science Using Statistical Machine Learning and High Performance Computing


Jim Ahrens

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA


Analyzing and extracting scientific knowledge from modern science experiments has become the rate-limiting step in the scientific process. We propose to accelerate  knowledge-discovery from experimental scientific facilities by combining high performance computing and statistical science to produce an adaptive methodology and toolset that will analyze data and augment a scientist's decision-making so that the scientist can optimize experiments in real time. We are developing this capability in the context of dynamic compression experiments, an area of core mission importance and an area that is currently in the midst of substantial increases in the rate of data generation. This project will result in a data science focused information science and technology toolset that is optimized for and will revolutionize dynamic compression science experiments using X-ray user facilities. Furthermore, this work will produce many reusable components that can be applied to multiple scientific domains. When achieved, our approach will allow scientists to elevate their focus above the mundane tasks required for experiment completion to that of making strategic scientific decisions.


Back to Session V

Quassical Computing


Ned Allen

Lockheed – Martin Corporation, USA


We present a class of hybrid classical systems using quantum co-processors and point out that unlike purely quantum computers, such hybrids can be both universal and Turing complete; we introduce such quantum-classical hybrids as “quassical.” We discuss the benefits of quassical architectures from a theoretical point of view: for some classes of problems they achieve computational supremacy. From a practical point of view, quassical architectures can also reduce the overhead burden imposed by most error correction schemes and minimize the challenges of interconnecting qubits in a usefully large connection graph. All quantum computing systems are cyber-physical machines and thus quassical to at least a trivial degree but only the more profoundly quassical hybrids can exhibit an optimum problem-solving capability for the amount of quantum resources deployed. Most significantly, quassical architectures advance our thinking past that of seeing quantum machines as simply quantum embodiments of classical ones and can enliven whole new fields of analytical thinking that takes us beyond quantum information science per se into a deeper understanding of the duality between quantum information and fundamental thermodynamics, possibly suggesting unexpectedly useful new technologies.


Back to Session VII

The Future is Collaborative: Paving the Way for a Collaborative Computational Data Science Ecosystem for Big Data and Big Compute


Ilkay Altintas

San Diego Supercomputer Center and Computer Science and Engineering, Department University of California at San Diego, USA


Our lives as well as any field of business and society are continuously transformed by our ability to collect meaningful data in a systematic fashion and turn that into value. These need not only push for new and innovative capabilities in composable data management and analytical methods that can scale in an anytime anywhere fashion, anywhere, but also require methods to bridge the gap between applications and such capabilities. However, we often lack collaborative culture, effective methodologies and truly scalable collaborative tools to translate these newest advances into impactful solution architectures that can transform science, society and education.


FUTURE: A Collaborative Networked World as a Part of the Data Science Process: Any solution architecture for data science today depends on the effectivity of a multi-disciplinary data science team, not only with humans but also with analytical systems and infrastructure which are inter-related parts of the solution. Focusing on collaboration and communication between people, and dynamic, predictable and programmable interfaces to systems and scalable infrastructure from the beginning of any activity is critical. This talk will overview some of our recent work on dynamic data driven cyberinfrastructure and application solution architectures. It will also introduce the family of composable PPODS tools for team-based data science process management, explaining how focusing on (1) some P’s in the planning phases of a data science activity and (2) creating a measurable process that spans multiple perspectives and success metrics will be effective in making computational data science efforts scalable from the beginning.


Back to Session VIII

The Human Brain Atlas – why do we need supercomputers?


Katrin Amunts

Human Brain Project, Chair of The Science and Infrastructure Board / Scientific Research Director, Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine, Structural and Functional Organisation of the Brain, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich, Germany


Institute for Brain Research, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, University Hospital Duesseldorf, Germany


The human brain is a highly complex system, with different levels of spatial organisation. E.g., on a macroscopic level, the brain shows a highly variable folding pattern, while nerve cells on a microscopical level are arranged in layers and columns in a regionally specific way. To capture the cellular architecture and study the role of a specific brain region to function or behaviour requires to analyse the brain in 3D. Deep-learning offers new tools to 3D reconstruct images of histological sections at the microscopical scale, and convolutional neuronal networks support to automatize brain mapping. Considering the size of the brain with its nearly 86 billion nerve cells, HPC-based workflows play an increasing role for developing high-resolution brain models, to tame brain complexity.


Back to Session X



Pete Beckman

Exascale Technology and Computing Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA



Quantum Computing at NASA


Rupak Biswas

Exploration Technology Directorate, High End Computing Capability Project

NASA Ames Research Center, USA


The success of many NASA missions depends on solving complex computing challenges, some of which are NP-hard and intractable on traditional supercomputers. Quantum computing promises an unprecedented ability to solve intractable problems by harnessing quantum mechanical effects such as tunneling, superposition, and entanglement. The Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) at NASA Ames Research Center is the space agency’s primary facility for conducting research and development in quantum information sciences. The QuAIL team conducts fundamental research in quantum physics but also explores how best to exploit and apply this disruptive technology to enable NASA missions in aeronautics, Earth and space sciences, and space exploration. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of our efforts in quantum computing, present recent results from some NASA application areas, and discuss challenges and opportunities.


Back to Session VII

InfiniBand In-Network Computing Technology and Roadmap


Gil Bloch

HPC and Artificial Intelligence Arch, Mellanox Technologies, Sunnyvale, CA, USA


The latest revolution in HPC is the move to a co-design architecture, a collaborative effort among industry, academia, and manufacturers to reach Exascale performance by taking a holistic system-level approach to fundamental performance improvements. Co-design architecture exploits system efficiency and optimizes performance by creating synergies between the hardware and the software.

Co-design recognizes that the CPU has reached the limits of its scalability, and offers an intelligent network as the new “co-processor” to share the responsibility for handling and accelerating application workloads. By placing data-related algorithms on an intelligent network, we can dramatically improve the data center and applications performance.


Back to Session II

HPC in the Cloud - and update from the field


Brendan Bouffler

Scientific Computing Amazon Web Services, London, USA


Software and systems built in the public cloud have a tendency to innovate extremely quickly. Last year, in 2017, Amazon Web Services (AWS) deployed almost 1500 new features and products on our platform alone. Our customers (a great many of which are HPC users and HPC builders) of course leveraged these to create even more new systems and services for their communities.  It’s worth taking stock of the many innovations that are available and distill a few that are most prominent for HPC practitioners as well as the wider research community who are just starting to leverage machine learning in their environments. We’ll review some of the more impactful developments and indicate where we think the next milestones will be marked in the many journeys to the cloud.


Back to Session IX

Fogbow: a Middleware for the Federation of IaaS Cloud Providers


Francisco Brasileiro

Distributed Systems Lab, System and Computing Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil


The federation of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud providers has been proposed as a way to improve their efficiency, allowing them

not only to better accommodate the natural fluctuations over time of their demands, but also to deal with users that require their

applications to be deployed in a geographically distributed fashion. In this talk we present the design and implementation of a middleware that allows the fast and non-intrusive deployment of very large federations of IaaS cloud providers. The use of the middleware in production systems is also discussed, providing concrete evidences of its suitability.


Back to Session IX

Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Interconnects


Ronald Brightwell

Center for Computing Research, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA


This talk will reflect on prior analysis of the challenges facing high-performance interconnect technologies intended to support extreme-scale scientific computing systems, how some of these challenges have been addressed, and what new challenges lay ahead. Many of these challenges can be attributed to the complexity created by hardware diversity, which has a direct impact on interconnect technology, but new challenges are also arising indirectly as reactions to other aspects of high-performance computing, such as alternative parallel programming models and more complex system usage models. We will describe some near-term research on proposed extensions to MPI to better support massive multithreading and implementation optimizations aimed at reducing the overhead of MPI tag matching. We will also briefly describe a new portable programming model to offload simple packet processing functions to a network interface that is based on the current Portals data movement layer. We believe this capability will offer significant performance improvements to applications and services relevant to high-performance computing as well as data analytics.


Back to Session IV

Quantum Processing Units: A Post-Exascale Accelerator?


Jonathan Carter

Computing Sciences Area, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA


Tremendous progress has been made in the development of quantum computing hardware over the past decade across many different experimental platforms, including trapped neutral atom and ion systems, donor spins embedded in semiconductors, and superconducting electrical circuits. Semiconductor systems can leverage extremely high purity solid-state materials and sophisticated materials processing techniques, but basic scientific advancements are needed to realize large numbers of controllable qubits with couplings suitable for logical gate operation. On the other hand, both trapped ion and superconducting platforms are now in the position to execute proof-of-concept quantum algorithms, though both approaches are far from realizing universal computation with fault tolerant hardware.

At the same time, algorithms that can be successfully executed on near-term noisy quantum hardware have been developed or existing algorithms reformulated to reduce circuit-depth requirements - we are entering an era of co-design for quantum computing. Many of these algorithms are specialized to chemistry and materials science simulations, where there has been rapid progress. I will cover the current developments in this area and make some predictions as to whether we will see quantum processing elements as a component of HPC systems emerge post-Exascale.


Back to Session VI

Data Compression For Quantum Population Coding


Giulio Chiribella

Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Oxford , UK


Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong,

Hong Kong, CHINA


Quantum states provide information about multiple, mutually complementary observables. Such information is not accessible from a single system, but becomes accessible when a population of many identically prepared systems is available. In this context, an important question is how much information is contained into n copies of the same state. A rigorous way to quantify such information is through the task of quantum data compression, where the goal is to store the quantum state into the smallest number of quantum bits. The problem of compressing identically prepared systems is relevant in several areas, including the design of quantum sensors that collect data and transfer them to a central location, and the design of quantum learning machines that store patterns in their internal memory. In this talk I will characterize the minimum amount of memory needed to faithfully store sequences of identically prepared quantum states, showing how the size of the memory grows with the number of particles in the sequence. In addition, I will discuss how much quantum memory can be traded with classical memory. Finally, I will conclude by showing an application of quantum compression to high precision measurements of time and frequency.


References for this talk:

Yuxiang Yang, Ge Bai, Giulio Chiribella, and Masahito Hayashi, Data compression for quantum population coding, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2018), 10.1109/TIT.2017.2788407

Yuxiang Yang, Giulio Chiribella, and Masahito Hayashi, Optimal compression for identically prepared qubit states, Physical Review Letters 117.9 (2016): 090502. 

Yuxiang Yang, Giulio Chiribella, and Daniel Ebler. Efficient quantum compression for ensembles of identically prepared mixed states, Physical Review Letters 116.8 (2016): 080501.


Back to Session VI

Accelerating Materials Design and Discovery with Data Science and Machine Learning


Alok Choudhary

Henry & Isabelle Dever Professor of EECS, McCormick School of Engineering, EECS Department and Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA


Modern instruments, supercomputing simulations, experiments, sensors and IoT are creating massive amounts of data at an astonishing speed and diversity. This has the potential to transform speed of discovery, thereby accelerating the pace of innovation in materials, medicine to marketing and many disciplines in between. This talk will present acceleration of materials design and discovery using data science and machine learning.



Alok Choudhary is the Henry & Isabelle Dever Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a professor at Kellogg School of Management. He is also the founder, chairman and chief scientist (served as its CEO during 2011-2013) of 4C insights (formerly Voxsup Inc.), a big data analytics and marketing technology software company. He received the National Science Foundation's Young Investigator Award in 1993. He is a fellow of IEEE, ACM and AAAS. His research interests are in high-performance computing, data intensive computing, scalable data mining, high-performance I/O systems, software and their applications in science, medicine and business. Alok Choudhary has published more than 400 papers in various journals and conferences and has graduated 40+ PhD students.. Alok Choudhary’s work and interviews have appeared in many traditional media including New York Times, Chicago Tribune, The Telegraph, ABC, PBS, NPR, AdExchange, Business Daily and many international media outlets all over the world.


Back to Session IX

High Performance Computing and Big Data: Challenges for the Future


Jack Dongarra

Innovative Computing Laboratory, Computer Science Dept.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN



Historically, high-performance computing advances have been largely dependent on concurrent advances in algorithms, software, architecture, and hardware that enable higher levels of floating-point performance for computational models. Advances today are also shaped by data-analysis pipelines, data architectures, and machine learning tools that manage large volumes of scientific and engineering data.


We will examine some of the challenges involved with high performance computing and big data for scientific computing.

Back to Session I

The Evolution of the EOSC in the Context of the EOSC-Hub Project


Giacinto Donvito

INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, EOSC – Hub Technology, Bari, ITALY


In the talk will be described the activities on going and the roadmap for the evolution of the service catalogue that will provide European researchers with a rich and powerful set of services in order to exploit the available Cloud Resources for their scientific activities. The talk will highlight the role of the EOSC-Hub project in the context of the European Open Science Cloud initiative and how the foreseen activities in the projects matches the overall movement in the European context. A specific focus will be dedicate on how the scientific communities are driving and contributing to this process.


Back to Session IX

The Upcoming Storm: The Implications of Increasing Core Count on Scalable System Software


Matthew Dosanjh

Center for Computing Research, SANDIA National Laboratories,

Albuquerque, NM, USA


As clock speeds have stagnated, the number of cores has been drastically increased to improve processor throughput. Most scalable system software has been developed for single-threaded environments. Multi-threaded environments have seen a large uptake as application developers leverage the full performance of the processor; however, these environments are incompatible with a number of assumptions that have driven scalable system software development. This presentation will highlight a case study of this mismatch's impact on MPI message matching. MPI message matching has been designed and optimized for traditional serial execution. The reduced determinism in the order of MPI calls can significantly reduce the performance of MPI message matching, potentially overtaking time-per-iteration targets of many applications. Different proposed techniques attempt to address these issues and enable multithreaded MPI usage. These approaches highlight a number of tradeoffs that make adapting MPI message matching complex. This case study and its proposed solutions highlight a number of general concepts that need to be leveraged in the design of next generation scaleable system software.


Back to Session III

Extreme Scale Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Science


Sudip S. Dosanjh

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA


Scientific data is exploding due to improvements in sensors, detectors and sequencers. Large scale experimental instruments and observational facilities are projected to generate Terabytes of data per second in the coming decade. In environmental applications, the number of sensors is also increasing dramatically. Gaining scientific insight from these large data sets requires computing at an unprecedented level, as well as new algorithms that scale to very high concurrency. This talk summarizes work at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center to tackle these big data challenges, as well as plans to create a Superfacility for Science that ties together HPC centers and experimental and observational facilities through high speed networks and advanced software.


Back to Session VIII

System architecture opens up thanks to next generation optics


Nicolas Dube

Exascale Systems Technology, HPe, USA


It will focus on next generation system architecture that goes beyond exascale or exaflops and how co-packaged optics will change the economics, signal integrity and energy efficiency of next generation supercomputers.


Back to Session II

Learning Systems for Science


Ian Foster

Math & Computer Science Div., Argonne National Laboratory

& Dept of Computer Science, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA


New learning technologies seem likely to transform much of science, as they are already doing for many areas of industry and society. We can expect these technologies to be used, for example, to obtain new insights from massive scientific data and to automate research processes. However, success in such endeavors will require new learning systems: scientific computing platforms, methods, and software that enable the large-scale application of learning technologies. These systems will need to enable learning from extremely large quantities of data; the management of large and complex data, models, and workflows; and the delivery of learning capabilities to many thousands of scientists. In this talk, I review these challenges and opportunities and describe systems that my colleagues and I are developing to enable the application of learning throughout the research process, from data acquisition to analysis.


Back to Session I

High-Performance Big Data Computing Environments


Geoffrey Fox

School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering, and Digital Science Center and Data Science program

University of Indiana Bloomington, IN, USA


We analyse the components that are needed in programming environments for Big Data Analysis Systems with scalable HPC performance and the functionality of ABDS – the Apache Big Data Software Stack. This motivates Twister2 which consists of a set of middleware components to support batch or streaming data capabilities familiar from Apache Hadoop, Spark, Heron and Flink but with high performance

Twister2 covers bulk synchronous and data flow communication; task management as in Mesos, Yarn and Kubernetes; dataflow graph execution models; launching of the Harp-DAAL library; streaming and repository data access interfaces, in-memory databases and fault tolerance at dataflow nodes.

Similar capabilities are available in current Apache systems but as integrated packages which do not allow needed customization for different application scenarios.

Back to Session I

Moving Towards Personalized Medicine - Simulating the Living Heart and the Living Brain with Cloud HPC


Wolfgang Gentzsch

The UberCloud, Germany


In the last six years UberCloud has performed 200+ cloud experiments with engineers and scientists and their complex applications. Among others, recently, in a series of challenging high performance computing applications in the Life Sciences, UberCloud’s HPC Containers have been packaged with several scientific workflows and application data to simulate complex phenomena in human’s heart and brain. As the core software for these HPC Cloud experiments we used the (containerized) Abaqus FEA solver running in a fully automated multi-node multi-container HPE environment in the Advania HPC Cloud. In this talk we  present two grand-challenge applications: Studying Drug-induced Arrhythmias of a Living Human Heart with Abaqus 2017 in the Cloud (Experiment 197); and Cloud Simulation of Neuromodulation in Schizophrenia (Experiment 200).


Back to Session X



Vladimir Getov

Department of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology

University of Westminster, London, UNITED KINGDOM



A Systematic Approach to Developing High-Performance, Portable GPU Programs


Sergei Gorlatch

Universitaet Muenster, Institut für Informatik, Muenster, Germany


We advocate the use of well-defined patterns and transformations for programming modern many-core processors like Graphics Processing Units (GPU), as an alternative to the currently used low-level, ad hoc programming approaches like CUDA or OpenCL. Our new contribution is introducing an intermediate level of low-level patterns in order to bridge the abstraction gap between the popular high-level patterns and the executable code for many-cores. We define our low-level patterns lbased on the OpenCL programming model, and we introduce semantics-preserving rewrite rules that transform programs with high-level patterns into programs with low-level patterns, from which executable OpenCL programs are generated automatically. We show that program design decisions and optimizations, which are usually applied ad-hoc by experts, can be systematically expressed in our approach as provably-correct transformations for high- and low-level patterns. We briefly describe the current transformation-based system LIFT being developed under the lead of the University of Edinburgh, which demonstrate how automatically-generated OpenCL implementations for different application areas that achieve performance competitive with programs that are manually written and highly tuned by performance experts.


Back to Session III

Power of Analog Quantum Computers: Theory and Reality


Itay Hen

University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute

Los Angeles, CA, USA


With recent breakthroughs in quantum technology, large-scale analog machines that utilize the laws of Quantum Mechanics to solve certain types of problems of practical relevance are already becoming commercially available.

I will discuss recent developments in the field of analog quantum computing as well as our current understanding of the power and limitations of analog quantum computers.


Back to Session VI

HPC platform efficiency and challenges for a system builder


Martin Hilgeman

High Performance Computing, DELL EMC, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS



Martin Hilgeman (1973, Woerden, The Netherlands) has a Master's Degree in Physical and Organic Chemistry obtained at the VU University of Amsterdam. He has worked at SGI and IBM for 14 years as a consultant, architect and as a member of the technical staff in the SGI applications engineering group, where his main involvement was in porting, optimization and parallelization of HPC applications.

Martin joined Dell EMC in 2011, where he is acting as a Technical Director for HPC in Europe, Middle East and Africa. His main interests are into application optimization, modernization of parallel workloads and platform efficiency. Lately, Martin has also accepted the responsibility for leading the Artificial Intelligence strategy for Dell EMC in the region mentioned above.



With all the advances in massively parallel and multi-core computing with CPUs and accelerators, it is often overlooked whether the computational work is being done in an efficient manner. This efficiency is largely being determined at the application level and therefore puts the responsibility of sustaining a certain performance trajectory into the hands of the user. It is observed that the adoption rate of new hardware capabilities is decreasing and lead to a feeling of diminishing returns. At the same time, the well-known laws of parallel performance are limiting the perspective of a system builder. The presentation tries gives an overview of these challenges and what can be done to overcome them.


Back to Session II

Systems Packaging Technology for Efficient Cooling for Dense HPC Solutions in a Data Center


Vinod Kamath

LENOVO, Data Center Group, Morrisville, North Carolina, USA


The computing architecture over the span of the past decade has rapidly provided increases in rack performance with a steady increase processor power. While the rate of growth in system performance was non-linear the accompanying rack power consumption grew from about 20kW to about 30kW for racks in the industry standard 19” footprint over the decade using the industry standard X86 architecture. The rate of performance growth needs to be maintained to deliver customer performance objectives, however the processor and system power consumption trends are accelerating rapidly. In the near term rack power consumption values in the 40-50 kW will be more commonplace when packaged with the same processor socket density as prior years. Traditional packaging technologies that use efficient air cooled designs with enhanced efficient heatsinks, cooling fan power and system airflow optimization are approaching limits of efficiency. Rapid increases in all components that comprise a hpc system such as processor, network, memory and NVMe disk power are resulting in higher allocation of fan power to cool the system, and in some instances a reduction in processor socket density in a rack to accommodate the thermal design power of the CPU. Illustrative examples of a typical compute node and rack with their power and cooling expectations will be shown.


Lenovo has efficiency engineered into our system designs that target improvements in cooling efficiency  via heatsink optimization and fan power optimization, examples of which will be shown. Datacenter optimization has also required local  heat extraction at the rack. The engineering approach that describes the traditional optimization will be described as one of the pillars of our system design approach. Finally, as rack power values approach 40kW and are trending to 1.5 times or higher from present values in the near future for dense deployments, direct liquid to node cooling solutions are necessary. Lenovo over the past 6 years has delivered HPC solutions with direct liquid cooling at the node. Engineering to improve the cooling efficiency of such solutions will be discussed. The TCO analysis that accompanies  efficient liquid cooling solutions will be presented with a method to evaluate the value of the deployment to the customer.


Back to Session II

Non-Quantum Effects in Data Production


Carl Kesselman

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California

Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, CA, USA


It is unfortunately the case that many published scientific results are unreproducible.  Recent studies have shown that results cannot be reproduced in as few as 1 out of 10 papers published in top tier journals.  While there are many factors that cause unreproducible results, bad data practices definitely play an non-trivial contributing role with an impact spanning many disciplines from computer science to biology.  With the increased influence of big data and cloud based scalable computing, this problem will only get worse.  In spite of the scale of the problem, the practicing scientist has few practical tools available to help create reproducible data. To address this gap, we have developed some basic tools and techniques that promote the creation of reusable scientific data on diverse computational platforms, within the context of complex and evolving scientific investigations.  In my talk, I will present some of these tools and describe how they are being used in practice to enhance scientific reporducablitqy across a broad array of scientific use cases.


Back to Session II



Hiroaki Kobayashi

Architecture Laboratory, Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Tohoku University, Sendai Miyagi, JAPAN



Road towards exascale – comments on the practical and economical aspects


Kimmo Koski

CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus (CSC - IT Center for Science), Espoo, Finland



During the recent years number of countries, computer vendors and research infrastructures have introduced their plans for enabling Exascale-level computing infrastructure. European initiative EuroHPC plans to install of two pre-Exascale systems during the next few years and two Exascale systems in about 4-5 years. Estimated power envelopes vary between 10 – 50 MW, capabilities which are not available in every location. Total cost of ownership can be dominated by electricity cost, although new innovative datacenter technologies are being developed. Need for balanced HPC ecosystem instead vs. just providing peak performance computing power depends on the required applications.


Economical aspects of providing Exascale are emerging – can anyone afford to run such a system? Practical  considerations about what do we actually want to achieve with the capability and how to make the complex environment work efficiently are sometimes forgotten instead of looking for breaking news about being able to break the Exaflop/s barrier in LINPACK.


The talk introduces the on-going Finnish data-intensive HPC procurement and the scientific case justifying the investment decision. Six different areas of use cases are presented – each of them with a need for exascale computing. Requirements and cost models for future exascale installations are discussed, including datacenter operations and constructions.  CSC Kajaani datacenter is used as a case example of when discussing the benefits and challenges for running a datacenter targeting to exaflop.


Back to Session X

Cloud Federation as an Evolutionary Path from Grid Computing


Craig Lee

Computer Systems Research Dept., The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA USA


The need to manage flexible, on-demand collaborations is fundamental.

The grid computing concept was motivated by the desire to support international "big science" collaborations.  Fast forward fifteen years.  We are now in the cloud computing, big data, and IoT era.  The need for flexible collaborations is more acute than ever.  Inherently distributed collaboration environments can be called federations.

Such federations must address all the same fundamental requirements as grids.  Given the continued development of widely adopted distributed computing tools, however, very different implementation approachs are possible.

In response to the growing awareness of the need for standardized federation capabilities, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the IEEE have established coordinated working groups to address cloud federation.

The real work of this group is to engage all manner of stakeholders and to promote an emerging best practice around federation that becomes self-sufficient.


Back to Session IX



Thomas Lippert

Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Juelich

Juelich, GERMANY



Deploying Complex User Applications over Hybrid Cloud Deployments Based on Open Standards


Álvaro López García

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Santander, Spain


The DEEP-Hybrid-DataCloud project aims at delivering a feature rich platform as a service layer that will provide easy access to cloud resources leveraging specialized hardware (such as accelerators) in order to execute intensive applications for scientific usage (like deep learning applications). In order to overcome the limits both in scale and in capabilities that using a single private cloud may impose, a high level hybrid cloud approach is used. This way, the developed hybrid cloud platform will transparently  (both for the users and the providers) connect different IaaS services, being able to support the user workloads, providing access to specialized hardware accelerators and data services that span several resource providers. In this talk we will illustrate how the DEEP-Hybrid-DataCloud is carrying out this approach relying on the OASIS TOSCA open standard, in order to ensure proper interoperability across different resource provider and cloud management frameworks.


Back to Session IX

The EGI Federated Cloud Status and Future Evolution


Álvaro López García

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Santander, Spain


The European Grid Infrastructure has been building out support for federated clouds for a number of years.  This has included the integration of the federation capabilities in the OpenStack Keystone service. This is partially motivated by need to for more web-friendly tooling.  This talk will present plans for future evolution and the wider adoption of standardized approaches.

Towards Next Generation Chinese Supercomputer


Yutong Lu

National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou

School of Computer Science

National University of Defense Technology



Supercomputing technology has been developing very fast, impacted the science and society deeply and broadly. Computing-driven and Bigdata-driven scientific discovery has become a necessary research approach in global environment, life science, nano-materials, high energy physics and other fields. Furthermore, the rapidly increasing computing requirements from economic and social development also call for the power of Exascale system. Nowadays, the development of computing science, data science and intelligent science has brought new changes and challenges in system, technology and application of HPC. The usage mode and delivery mode based on cloud computing also attracts supercomputer users. The future Exascale system design faces many challenges, such as architecture, system software, application environment and so on. The report will analysis the usage mode of the current Supercomputing Center, then discuss the design and application environment of future super computing system.




Professor Yutong Lu is the Director of National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou, China. She is the professor in School of Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University as well as in National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). She is a member of Chinese national key R&D plan HPC special expert committee She got her B.S, M.S, and PhD degrees from the NUDT. Her extensive research and development experience has spanned several generations of domestic supercomputers in China. Prof. Lu is deputy chief designer of Tianhe Project. She had won first class award and outstanding award of Chinese national science and technology progress in 2009 and 2014 respectively. She is leading several innovation projects on HPC and Bigdata supported by MOST, NSFC and Guangdong Province now. Her continuing research interests include parallel operating systems (OS), high-speed communication, large scale file system& data management, advanced HPC/BD/AI convergent application environment.


Back to Session IV

From Post-K to Cambrian Explosion of Computing and Big Data in the

Post-Moore Era


Satoshi Matsuoka

RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Kobe and

Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN


The so-called “Moore’s Law”, by which the performance of the processors will increase exponentially by factor of 4 every 3 years or so, is slated to be ending in 10-15 year timeframe due to the lithography of VLSIs reaching its limits around that time, and combined with other physical factors. Based on the expected results from the Post-K supercomputer at RIken CCS, we are also now embarking on a project to revolutionize the total system architectural stack in a holistic fashion in the Post-Moore era, from devices and hardware, abstracted by system software and programming models and languages, and optimized according to the device characteristics with new algorithms and applications that exploit them. Such systems will have multitudes of varieties according to the matching characteristics of applications to the underlying architecture, leading to what can be metaphorically described as Cambrian Explosion of computing systems. The diverse elements of such systems will be interconnected with next-generation terabit optics and networks, allowing metropolitan-scale computing infrastructure that would truly realize high performance parallel and distributed computing.

However, which algorithms and applications would benefit the most from such future computing, given that some physical constants, e.g., communication latency, cannot be improved? We speculate on some of the scenarios that would change the nature of current Cloud-centric infrastructures towards the Post-Moore era.


Back to Session I

Simulation on and HPC simulation of quantum computers and quantum annealers


Kristel Michielsen

Institute for Advanced Simulation, Quantum Information Processing Group, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and RWTH Aachen University, Germany


A quantum computer (QC) is a device that performs operations according to the rules of quantum theory. There are various types of QCs of which nowadays the two most important ones considered for practical realization are the gate-based QC and the quantum annealer (QA). Practical realizations of gate-based QCs consist of less than 100 qubits while QAs with more than 2000 qubits are commercially available.


We present results of simulating on the IBM Quantum Experience devices with 5 and 16 qubits and on the D-Wave 2X QA with more than 1000 qubits. Simulations of both types of QCs are performed by first modeling them as quantum systems of interacting spin-1/2 particles and then emulating their dynamics by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Our software allows for the simulation of a 48-qubit gate-based universal QC on the Sunway TaihuLight and K supercomputers.



K. Michielsen, M. Nocon, D. Willsch, F. Jin, T. Lippert, H. De Raedt, Benchmarking gate-based quantum computers, Comp. Phys. Comm. 220, 44 (2017)


D. Willsch, M. Nocon, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen,  Gate error analysis in simulations of quantum computers with transmon qubits, Phys. Rev. A 96, 062302 (2017)


H. De Raedt, F. Jin, D. Willsch, M. Nocon, N. Yoshioka, N. Ito, S. Yuan, K. Michielsen, Massively parallel quantum computer simulator, eleven years later, arXiv:1805.04708


D. Willsch, M. Nocon, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, Testing quantum fault tolerance on small systems, arXiv:1805.05227


K. Michielsen, F. Jin, and H. De Raedt, Solving 2-satisfiability problems on a quantum annealer (in preparation)


Back to Session VI

MRG8:Random Number Generator for the Million-plus core Era


Kenichi Miura, Ph.D.

Fujitsu Laboratories of America and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Sunnyvale, CA, USA


Pseudo random number generators (PRNGs) are crucial for various simulations in HPC. These applications require high throughput and good statistical quality from the PRNGs – especially for parallel computing where long pseudo-random sequences can be exhausted rapidly.  Although a handful PRNGs have been adapted to parallel computing, they do not fully exploit the features of wide-SIMD  many-core processors and GPU accelerators in modern supercomputers.

Multiple Recursive Generators (MRGs) are a family of random number generators based on higher order polynomials, which provide statistically high-quality random number sequences with extremely long periods, and jump-ahead scheme for effective parallelization.

Since our talk in 2014, we reformulate the MRG8 (8th-order recursive implementation) for Intel’s KNL and NVIDIA’s P100 GPU – named MRG8-AVX512 and MRG8-GPU respectively.

Our optimized implementation generates the same random number sequence as the original well-characterized MRG8. We evaluated MRG8-AVX512 and MRG8-GPU together with vender tuned random number generators for Intel KNL and GPU. MRG8-AVX512 achieves a substantial 69% improvement compared to Intel’s MKL, and MRG8-GPU shows a maximum 3.36x speedup compared to NVIDIA’s cuRAND library.

This study has been conducted together with Mr. Yusuke Nagasaka of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Dr. John Shalf of Lawrece Berkeley Laboratory.


Back to Session X

Towards quantum-assisted optimization and machine learning on Google Quantum Cloud


Masoud Mohseni

Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Google Inc., Venice, CA, USA


We present an overview of our progress on quantum optimization and machine learning at Quantum AI Lab at Google. In particular, we present an end-to-end quantum-assisted optimization engine on Google Cloud Platform. Our physics-inspired approaches use an interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations to sample from unaccessible low-energy states of spin-glass systems that encode certain hard combinatorial optimization and probabilistic inference problems. We introduce structured droplet instances and show that our hybrid quantum-classical heuristic algorithms can significantly improve over classical techniques, such parallel tempering, that rely on local updates. We also introduce universal discriminative quantum neural networks for classification and purification of quantum data. We train near-term small-scale quantum circuits to classify data represented by non-orthogonal quantum probability distributions using stochastic optimization techniques. This is achieved by iterative interactions of a classical processor with a quantum device to discover the parameters of an unknown non-unitary quantum map which can implemented via a shallow quantum circuit.  Similar small-scale quantum circuit learning could be used for verifying the quantum outputs of other shallow circuits, constructing structured receivers in quantum imaging/sensing, and designing quantum repeaters in quantum communication networks.


Back to Session VI

Achieving bit-wise reproducible results on Anton, a special-purpose supercomputer for molecular dynamics simulation


Mark Moraes

Engineering Department, D. E. Shaw Research, New York, N.Y., USA


The ability to exactly reproduce the output of scientific simulations, often called bit-wise reproducibility (BWR), is rarely achieved in parallel scientific software, especially across different sizes of machines.  Anton is a massively parallel special-purpose machine that accelerates molecular dynamics simulations by orders of magnitude compared with the previous state of the art.  Anton's algorithms, hardware, and software were designed from the outset to achieve such reproducibility, and this capability has been invaluable to the biochemistry researchers who use Anton as well as the Anton engineering and operations teams.  For scientists, BWR allows simulations to be extended as needed, and output size greatly reduced since they can 'zoom' in to interesting parts of a simulation by re-running those parts as needed.  For engineers and the operations staff, hardware bugs can be avoided during design verification while software and algorithmic 'bugs' can be isolated quickly.  I will discuss what it took to achieve Anton's unique bit-wise reproducibility and show some examples of its value.


Back to Session II

Machine Learning on In-house HPC


Yuichi Nakamura

Central  Research  Laboratories, NEC, Kanagawa, JAPAN


Lately, HPC is going to use for machine learning applications in addition to large scale simulation. However, machine learning application needs huge data sets and such huge data might include serious security and privacy issues. Then, a concept of in-house HPC or inside HPC is introduced. We think servers with GPGPU card is one of in-house HPC. Then, we NEC,  released card base vector processors, SX-Aurora Tsubasa as one of an accelerator board for in-house HPC. In this talk, I would like to introduce some machine learning use cases with SX-Aurora-Tsubasa as an in-house HPC. Then, I will present a machine resource extension method to in-house HPC when machine resources are in short.


Back to Session V

Scientific Workflows, Big Data, and Extreme-Scales: Challenges, Opportunities and Some Solutions


Manish Parashar

Dept. of Computer Science, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA


Data-related challenges are quickly dominating computational and data-enabled sciences and are limiting the potential impact of scientific application workflows enabled by current and emerging extreme scale, high-performance, distributed computing environments. These data-intensive application workflows involve dynamic coordination, interactions and data coupling between multiple application processes that run at scale on different resources, and with services for monitoring, analysis and visualization and archiving, and present challenges due to increasing data volumes and complex data-coupling patterns, system energy constraints, increasing failure rates, etc. In this talk I will explore some of these challenges and investigate how solutions based on data sharing abstractions, managed data pipelines, data-staging service, and in-situ / in-transit data placement and processing can be used to help address them. This research is part of the DataSpaces project at the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute.


Back to Session VIII

Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization

for Exascale Supercomputers and Experimental Facilities


Valerio Pascucci

University of Utah, Center for Extreme Data Management, Analysis and Visualization, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, School of Computing

and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Salt Lake City, UT, USA


Effective use of data management techniques for analysis and visualization of massive scientific data is a crucial ingredient for the success of any supercomputing center and cyberinfrastructure for data-intensive scientific investigation. In the progress towards exascale computing, the data movement challenges have fostered innovation leading to complex streaming workflows that take advantage of any data processing opportunity arising while the data is in motion.

In this talk I will present a number of techniques developed at the Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV) that allow to build a scalable data movement infrastructure for fast I/O while organizing the data in a way that makes it immediately accessible for analytics and visualization. In addition, I will present an advanced in-situ data analytics framework that allows processing data on parallel supercomputers without requiring advanced user knowledge of parallel computing or advanced runtime systems.

Overall, this leads to a flexible data streaming workflow that allows working with massive simulation models or data from high resolution experimental facilities without compromising the interactive nature of the exploratory process that is characteristic of the most effective data analytics and visualization environment.



Valerio Pascucci is the Inaugural John R. Parks Endowed Chair of the University of Utah and the founding Director of the Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV) of the University of Utah. Valerio is also a Faculty of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, a Professor of the School of Computing, University of Utah, and a Laboratory Fellow, of PNNL and a visiting professor in KAUST. Before joining the University of Utah, Valerio was the Data Analysis Group Leader of the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of California Davis. Valerio's research interests include Big Data management and analytics, progressive multi-resolution techniques in scientific visualization, discrete topology, geometric compression, computer graphics, computational geometry, geometric programming, and solid modeling. Valerio is the coauthor of more than two hundred refereed journal and conference papers and is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.


Back to Session VIII\

Supervised learning on quantum computers


Francesco Petruccione

Quantum Research Group, Quantum Information Processing and Communication

School of Chemistry and Physics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,



Quantum Machine Learning is an emerging discipline, that has attracted considerable interest recently. This is motivated, on the one hand, by the obvious fact that artificial intelligence and machine learning are central to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. On the other hand,  noisy-intermediare scale quantum (NISQ) computers, as well as quantum annealers, are now available in the cloud. The talk gives an overview of the status of quantum machine learning and explores the possibility of using NISQ Computers for machine learning.


Back to Session VI

Acqua: Building Chemistry, AI and Optimization Quantum Applications


Marco Pistoia

Quantum Computing Software, IBM Watson Research Center, NY, USA


Problems that can benefit from the power of quantum computing have been identified in numerous domains, such as Chemistry, AI, Optimization and Finance. Quantum computing, however, requires very specialized skills. To address the needs of the vast population of practitioners who want to use and contribute to quantum computing at various levels of the software stack, we have created Acqua, a modular and extensible library of quantum algorithms that can be invoked directly or via domain-specific applications. In this talk, we motivate the need for a quantum computing software stack, and present Acqua and its Chemistry, AI and Optimization applications.


Back to Session VI

High-Performance Big Data Computing with Harp-DAAL


Judy Qiu

School of Informatics and Computing and Pervasive Technology Institute, Indiana University, USA


Telemetry sensor’s data plays a major role in many areas such as motor racing, meteorology, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing processes and energy monitoring. In the domain of motor racing, a car has over 50 of such sensors that generate a lot of data on logging readings and presents a challenging big data problem. The importance of using the fastest data processing technology in a sport is all about speed, from a calculation of the next move based on information gathered during the race to anomaly detection in streaming. To enable car simulators and analytics on-the-fly for the Indianapolis 500 racing application, we leverage a novel HPC-Cloud convergence framework named Harp-DAAL and demonstrate that the combination of Big Data and HPC techniques can simultaneously achieve productivity and performance. Harp is a distributed Hadoop-based framework that orchestrates efficient node synchronization. Harp uses Intel® Data Analytics Accelerator Library (DAAL), for its highly optimized kernels on Intel® Xeon and Xeon Phi architectures. This way the high-level API of Big Data tools can be combined with intra-node fine-grained parallelism, which is optimized for HPC platforms for machine learning and complex data analytics. We show how simulations and Big Data analytics can use common programming environments with a runtime based on a rich set of collectives and libraries of Harp-DAAL.


Back to Session VIII

Beyond Moore’s Law: Quantum Computing at Los Alamos


Avadh Saxena

Los Alamos National Lab., USA


With classical computing reaching its theoretical limits, new paradigms that go beyond Moore’s law have become imperative. Quantum computing, neuromorphic computing and inexact (or probabilistic) computing are three alternatives. I will mostly focus on significant recent efforts devoted to quantum computing at Los Alamos. These involve both gate-based quantum computing and using a quantum computer as an annealer for optimization problems. New quantum algorithms and error correcting codes are being developed to address real problems such as those involving linear solvers, sampling, graph partitioning, efficient combinatorial optimization, many-body physics, quantum chemistry, among others. Fundamental aspects, e.g. entanglement and decoherence, as well as quantum machine learning and quantum control protocols will be discussed. Finally, I will delve into some aspects of hardware (e.g. superconducting qubits vs trapped-ion qubits, etc.).


Back to Session VII

Next-Generation Computing: Transitioning Beyond-Silicon Technologies from Idea to Reality


Max Shulaker

Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA


At this exact moment when future applications are demanding massive improvements in computing performance, conventional approaches to improving computing are becoming increasingly challenging. For instance, silicon CMOS scaling (Dennard scaling and equivalent scaling) has already slowed due to the power wall. Moreover, abundant-data applications are increasingly dominated by the time and energy required to transfer data between computing engines (e.g., domain-specific accelerators, general-purpose processors) and off-chip memory (the memory wall). It is clear that business as usual is inadequate. To overcome these multiple walls (power wall, memory wall) and enable the next leaps in computing system capabilities, isolated improvements in logic or memory technologies alone are insufficient. Rather, improved technologies such as beyond-silicon nanotechnologies, in conjunction with new computing architectures that finely integrate logic and memory, will enable the next leap demanded by the coming generations of transformative abundant-data applications. For instance, carbon nanotube (CNT)-based transistors promise an order of magnitude benefit in energy efficiency versus silicon CMOS, while resistive RAM (RRAM) promises massive on-chip non-volatile memory. Moreover, due to the unique low temperature fabrication of transistors built using CNTs and memories from RRAM, these two emerging technologies together enable monolithic 3D integrated circuits  - whereby layers of logic and memory are fabricated directly vertically over one-another, interleaving logic and memory within a three-dimensional stack. In this talk, I will describe major advancements towards realizing such future systems, and describe how significant efforts underway could shape the next-generation of computing systems.


Back to Session III

Contemplating Non-von Neumann Computing for Zetaflops and Dynamic Graphs


Thomas Sterling, Maciej Brodowicz, Matthew Anderson

Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, USA


At the risk of stating the obvious, HPC is entering a point of singularity where previous technology trends (Moore’s Law etc.) are terminating and dramatic performance progress may depend on advances in computer architecture outside of the scope of conventional practices. This may extend to the opportunities potentially available through the context of non-von Neumann architectures. Curiously, this is not a new field but suffered from the relatively easy growth potential powered by decades of Moore’s Law including resulting improvements in device density and clock rates. Cellular automata, static and dynamic data flow, systolic arrays, and neural nets have demonstrated alternative approaches to von Neumann derivative architectures throughout past decades, each exhibiting unique advantages but also imposing open challenges and time to delivery. A new class of non von Neumann architecture, the Simultac, is being pursued and recent scaling studies suggest that its genus or structures, called here “Continuum Computer Architecture (CCA)” of which the Simultac is just one, has the possibility to scale many orders of magnitude beyond present day HPC systems. Further, by incorporating select mechanisms for the purpose, it may greatly enhance dynamic graph processing even further. This presentation will describe elements of this study on the scaling of CCA and suggest with a change in enabling technology towards the latter half of the next decade may yield at least peak capabilities of Zetaflops and beyond at practical power, size, and cost. Questions from participants are welcome throughout the presentation.


Back to Session I

Computing Landscape 2030:  New Architectures and Computing Models,

Machine Learning Based Software, Neurons and Entanglement


Rick Stevens

Argonne National Laboratory and Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago, Argonne and Chicago, USA


Earlier this year I generated a series of fanciful future scenarios for computing that posited an aggressive, and somewhat chaotic synthesis of trends, in this talk I’ll dive deeper and try to put some analysis behind these trends and directions. In these scenarios – instantiated every five years for the next fifteen – I try to weave together what our computing environments might become.  During this time Moore’s law drives to 4nm and then perhaps one or two more turns.  Innovation in architecture (and circuit optimization) becomes the dominate (perhaps only) source of increased performance in classical computing.  Software moves from hand-crafted works-of-art to machine optimized mashups of mostly machine generate codes derived from some data, both natural data from the world and data generated by previous generations of hand-built software.  Hardware design also will be influenced by machine learning based optimization tools, but increasingly will be targeted at machine learning dominated workloads.

A key challenge for the AI push of the next decade will be the smooth integration of all the theoretical knowledge we have accumulated at great cost with the data driven learned representations of the world.   The quest for ever increasingly energy efficient circuits and systems will push towards very non-Von type computing structures, spreading computing elements throughout the machine, into memories, interconnects, storage systems, etc.  Extreme versions of novel computing designs will build on ideas from neuroscience and neuromorphic computing among others.  For some problems, perhaps large classes of data driven problems, neuromorphic designs might emerge as peer computing platforms with classical devices.  For other problems they might be viewed as hardware instantiations of simulators for neuroscience.  Lurking in the corner is quantum.  Quantum based computing might breakout before 2030 beyond its use as a curiosity cabinet and perhaps somewhat more useful use as an analog simulator for quantum phenomena.  One of the more intriguing possible uses of quantum computing is for machine learning where the system can learn quickly on superimposed training data.  This use case for quantum computing puts enormous pressure on the development of quantum memories and quantum sensing, where the data might come pre-superimposed.   How all of these forces and more might or might not come together is the topic of this talk.


Back to Session I

Multi-scale simulation of Ras proteins on lipid bilayers

Frederick H. Streitz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Frederick Streitz

High Performance Computing Innovation Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA


Simulating proteins on lipid membranes could provide unprecedented insights into cancer biology and a host of other phenomena. However, such simulations face conflicting and seemingly insurmountable constraints: reaching biologically relevant time and length scales (milliseconds and microns) requires continuum-level models but understanding the processes of interest requires molecular level detail. I will present a new type of massively parallel, multi-scale simulation framework that brings together these two modeling paradigms. Using state-of-the-art machine learning, we couple a novel continuum model to an ensemble of molecular dynamics simulations. By carefully selecting MD simulations we ensure that the entire phase space explored by the continuum model is adequately sampled and explored at the finer scale. The result is a simulation at macro length- and time-scales that incorporates micro-scale precision.


Back to Session X

Sometimes the complexity really IS exponential


Francis Sullivan1

IDA/Center for Computing Sciences, Bowie, MD, USA


Problems whose solutions require exascale capabilities can be characterized, in part, by their size, as measured by amounts of data produced, accessed, and moved. But equally important is their computational complexity, mean- ing the amount of computation required, f (n) where n measures the size of the instance. In a perfect world, the function f is a polynomial and some problem instances parallelize. (Think matrix inversion.) But in the world in which we live, we encounter f (n) = O(2n) and the problem resists all efforts to parallelize. (Think 3-SAT.) In these cases, we can try to put a lot of thought into algorithm design, in the hope of reducing O(2n) to O((1 + η)n) where η << 1. Sometimes this can be accomplished by bringing novel math- ematical tools to bear on the question.

We illustrate this approach by describing a method for approximating all of the coefficients of the all terminal reliability problem. Our method makes use of standard computational tools such as low-rank updates but it also makes use of combinatorial techniques not usually associated with numerical



1. Joint work with David G. Harris


Back to Session VIII

Digital Annealer: Quantum-inspired Computing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems


Kazuya Takemoto

Technology Development Group, Digital Annealer Project, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kawasaki, JAPAN


Fujitsu digital annealer (DA) is a newly-developed computing architecture dedicated for hard-to-solve combinatorial optimization problem. So far, quantum annealing has been widely studied as a metaheuristic method for solving such combinatorial optimization problems. However, current quantum annealing processor has technical limitations such as a sparse connectivity between qubits and discrete weights. This may cause significant overhead cost when applying to complicated industrial problems.

Digital annealer is a digital-circuit-based accelerator for Markov chain Monte Carlo stochastic search. It is designed to handle 1,024-bit Ising spins, which are fully connected through 16-bit weights. We have implemented two accelerating techniques: one is a parallel trial scheme, and the other is a transition facilitation technology. These features facilitate to solve practical large-scale combinatorial optimization problems using DA.

In this talk we will describe the architecture design and future prospects of DA. Several demonstrations for chemical, medical and financial applications are also presented.


Back to Session VII



Domenico Talia

Department of Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Systems and DtoK Lab

University of Calabria, ITALY



Deep Learning Acceleration of Progress toward Delivery of Fusion Energy


William Tang

Princeton University, Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences, Plasma Physics Section, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering, Princeton, USA


Accelerated progress in producing accurate predictions in science and industry have been accomplished by engaging modern big-data-driven statistical methods featuring machine/deep learning/artificial intelligence (ML/DL/AI). Associated techniques being formulated and adapted have enabled new avenues of data-driven discovery in key scientific applications areas such as the quest to deliver Fusion Energy – identified by the 2015 CNN “Moonshots for the 21st Century” series as one of 5 prominent grand challenges. An especially time-urgent and very challenging problem facing the development of a fusion energy reactor is the need to reliably predict and avoid large-scale major disruptions in magnetically-confined tokamak systems such as the EUROFUSION Joint European Torus (JET) today and the burning plasma ITER device in the near future. Significantly improved methods of prediction with better than 95% predictive accuracy are required to provide sufficient advanced warning for disruption avoidance or mitigation strategies to be effectively applied before critical damage can be done to ITER -- a ground-breaking $25B international burning plasma experiment with the potential capability to exceed “breakeven” fusion power by a factor of 10 or more. This truly formidable task demands accuracy beyond the near-term reach of hypothesis-driven /”first-principles” extreme-scale computing (HPC) simulations that dominate current research and development in the field.

Recent HPC-relevant advances in the deployment of deep learning recurrent and convolutional neural nets in Princeton’s new Deep Learning Code -- "FRNN (Fusion Recurrent Neural Net) Code on modern GPU systems. This is clearly a “big-data” project in that it has direct access to the huge JET disruption data base of over a half-petabyte to drive these studies. FRNN implements a distributed data parallel synchronous stochastic gradient approach with Tensorflow libraries at the backend and MPI for communication. This deep learning software has demonstrated excellent scaling up to 6000 GPU's on “Titan” at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory – an achievement that has helped establish the practical feasibility of using leadership class supercomputers to greatly enhance training of neural nets to enable transformational impact on key discovery science application domains such as Fusion Energy Science.

Powerful systems on which FRNN is currently deployed include: (1) Japan’s TSUBAME 3 – where over 1000 Pascal P100 GPU's have already enabled impressive hyper-parameter tuning production runs; and (2) ORNL’s SUMMIT featuring the new VOLTA GPU’s on which FRNN’s new “half-precision” algorithmic capability has produced attractive scaling results. Summarily, statistical Deep Learning software trained on very large data sets hold exciting promise for delivering much-needed predictive tools capable of accelerating scientific knowledge discovery in HPC. The associated creative methods being developed also has significant potential for cross-cutting benefit to a number of important application areas in science and industry.


Back to Session V

Modeling the Next-Generation High Performance Schedulers


Michela Taufer

Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences, Biomedical Engineering

and Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and Global Computing Lab, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA


High performance computing (HPC) resources and workloads are undergoing tumultuous changes. HPC resources are growing more diverse with the adoption of accelerators; HPC workloads have increased in size by orders of magnitude. Despite these changes, when assigning workload jobs to resources, HPC schedulers still rely on users to accurately anticipate their applications’ resource usage and remain stuck with the decades-old centralized scheduling model.


In this talk we will discuss these ongoing changes and propose alternative models for HPC scheduling based on resource-awareness and fully hierarchical models. A key role in our models’ evaluation is played by an emulator of a real open-source, next-generation resource management system. We will discuss the challenges of realistically mimicking the system's scheduling behavior. Our evaluation shows how our models improve scheduling scalability on a diverse set of synthetic and real-world workloads.


This is joint work with Stephen Herbein and Michael Wyatt  at the University of Delaware, and Dong H. Ahn, Todd Gamblin, Don Lipari, Adam Moody, Tapasya Patki, Bronis de Supinski , Thomas R.W. Scogland, Marc Stearman, Jim Garlick, Mark Grondona, Tamara Dahlgren, David Domyancic, and Becky Springmeyer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.


Back to Session IV

Challenges in big data computing on HPC platforms


Michela Taufer

Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences, Biomedical Engineering

and Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and Global Computing Lab, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA


Data analytics and data intensive workloads have become an integral part of large-scale scientific workloads. Still efforts to enable big data processing on high performance computing (HPC) platforms are in their infancy and data intensive applications are not fully taking advantage of the rapidly changing hardware and software technology landscape in HPC.


In this talk, we explore trend and opportunities when dealing with data intensive applications on the next generation HPC platforms. Specifically, we tackle problems and propose solutions to schedule scientific applications on increasingly bursty resources and transform the centralized nature of data analysis into a distributed approach that is performed in situ to supports a broad range of molecular dynamics simulations. Our proposed solutions go beyond HPC and develop opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations.


Back to Session VIII

Bootstrapping an HPC Ecosystem

A Retrospective on Arm’s First Six Years in High Performance Computing


Eric Van Hensbergen

ARM Research, Austin, TX, USA


In late 2011, Arm’s participation in the Montblanc project launched its foray into high performance computing as part of a larger strategy around expanding its influence in the server market.  A little over six years later with ongoing projects in Europe, the US, and Asia, the first large scale systems are being deployed based on Arm technology with more to come in the coming months and years.  This talk will cover some of the challenges along the way, an overview performance of some of the now generally-available platforms, and the future opportunities presented by recent additions to the Arm architecture specifically to address the high performance computing and data analytics market.




Eric Van Hensbergen is currently a Fellow at Arm working in the research division out of the  Austin, TX design center.  He leads the software and large scale systems research group and is senior director of Arm’s HPC effort. The group's activities include exploring the place of ARM within high performance computing, data centers, and investigating next generation concepts in operating systems, runtimes, and systems software.  Prior to Arm he worked at IBM Research for 12 years and at Bell Laboratories for 5 years.


Back to Session II

How To Go Beyond the Limitations of the Current Benchmarking Methodology?


Vladimir Voevodin, Jack Dongarra

Moscow State University, Research Computing Center, Moscow, RUSSIA


The main disadvantage of the existing approach to compare computer platforms based on Top500, Graph500 and HPCG is the choice of too limited number of algorithms underlying the lists. In such a situation, it is difficult to draw any conclusion about the performance of computers on applications that rely on other algorithmic approaches. The AlgoWiki project is dedicated to describing the parallel structure and key features of various algorithms from different areas. The descriptions are intended to provide complete information about algorithm’s properties, which are needed to adequately assess their implementation efficiency for any computing platform. The algorithms underlying Linpack, Graph500 and HPCG, among others, are represented in AlgoWiki and correspond to three points out of the total multitude of algorithms in the project. Giving the computing community an opportunity to submit and save the execution results for any algorithm presented in AlgoWiki, we can substantially improve comparing computing platforms and move from the three points to an analysis based on dozens, if not hundreds of various algorithms. We propose an approach to extend the existing methodologies to compare various computing platforms using the wide and constantly growing algorithmic potential of the AlgoWiki encyclopedia.


Back to Session III

Kakute: A Precise, Unified Information Flow Analysis System for Big-data Security?


Amy Wang

The University of Hong Kong and Zhejiang University, CHINA


Big-data frameworks (e.g., Spark) enable computations on tremendous data records generated by third parties, causing various security and reliability problems such as information leakage and programming bugs. Existing systems for big-data security (e.g.,


Titian) track data transformations in a record level, so they are imprecise and too coarse-grained for these problems. Information Flow Tracking (IFT) is a conventional approach for precise information control. However, extant IFT systems are neither efficient nor complete for big-data frameworks, because theses frameworks are data-intensive, and data flowing across hosts is often ignored by IFT.


This talk presents Kakute, the first precise, fine-grained information flow analysis system for big-data. Our insight on making IFT efficient is that most fields in a data record often have the same IFT tags, and we present two new efficient techniques called Reference Propagation and Tag Sharing. In addition, we design an efficient, complete cross-host information flow propagation approach. Kakute effectively detected 13 realworld security and reliability bugs in 4 diverse problems, including information leakage, data provenance, programming and performance bugs. This work got best paper award in ASSAC17.


Back to Session VIII

D-Wave's Approach to Quantum Computing: Past, Present, and Future


Colin Williams

D-WAVE System Inc., Strategy and Corporate Development, USA


Quantum computing promises to revolutionize computer technology as profoundly as the airplane revolutionized transportation. After decades of incubation, early generation quantum computers are finally appearing that allow people to begin experimentation in earnest. In this talk, I will describe D-Wave's approach to quantum computing, explain its pros and cons with respect to competing schemes, and give the rationale behind our design choices. Furthermore, I will give examples of how the native optimization and sampling capabilities of our quantum processor can be exploited to tackle problems in a variety of fields including healthcare, physics, finance, simulation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.



Colin P. Williams is Vice President Strategy & Corporate Development at D-Wave Systems Inc., reporting directly to the CEO. He has spent over 20 years in quantum computing and has developed and patented algorithms and applications for both gate model and annealing model approaches. Prior to joining D-Wave, Colin was a Senior Research Scientist (SRS) and Program Manager for Advanced Computing Paradigms at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. Earlier, as an acting Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, he devised, developed, and taught Stanford's first courses on quantum computing & quantum communications, and computer-based mathematics. Colin earned his Ph.D. in artificial intelligence from the University of Edinburgh in 1989 and wrote “Explorations in Quantum Computing,” one of the first textbooks in the field.


Back to Session VI

Who [Should] Cares about HPC Software


Robert Wisniewski

Exascale Computing, INTEL Corporation, New York, NY, USA


In this talk I will discuss challenges facing the future of HPC software.  I will examine them both from a technical perspective as well as an ecosystem perspective.  The observations will be focused around the type of systems installed at supercomputer centers around the world, but not necessarily limited to them.  I will then describe the approach we are taking at Intel to address some of the challenges and describe how OpenHPC is an important part of the equation.


Back to Session III

Scaling Deep Learning to Thousands of GPUs


Rio Yokota

Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Advanced Computing Research Division, Advanced Applications of High-Performance Computing Group, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JAPAN


ImageNet has become a common benchmark for large scale distributed deep learning, where teams at Facebook, UC Berkeley, Preferred Networks have independently performed runs on thousands of GPUs. The current state-of-the-art can train ImageNet using ResNet-50 for 90 epochs in about 15 minutes. However, data-parallel implementation of such large scale deep learning requires very large batch sizes, which has a detrimental effect on both the optimization and generalizability. We are currently investigating alternative optimization methods that are less sensitive to the increase in batch size. Large scale runs have been conducted on TSUBAME3.0 using 2048GPUs.


Back to Session V