From Clouds and Big Data to Exascale and Beyond


An International Advanced Workshop

Cetraro  Italy, July 7 – 11, 2014



 Main Aim



Sustained progress in computational hardware and software technologies, ranging from hybrid CPU/GPU systems, multicore architectures, increased density, and virtualization, to relatively new paradigms such as commercial cloud computing, have brought the tools and techniques of High Performance Computing (HPC) into broad acceptance in wide areas of research and industry. At the same time, the extremely fast pace of the field introduces new challenges in technological, intellectual, and even political areas which must be addressed to continue to enable wider acceptance, implementation, and ultimately societal impact of high performance computing technologies and paradigms.


The main aim of this workshop is to present and debate advanced topics, open questions, future developments, and challenging applications related to advanced high-performance distributed computing and data systems, encompassing implementations ranging from traditional clusters to warehouse-scale data centers, and with architectures including hybrid, multicore, distributed, and cloud models.


Emerging computing paradigms and concepts such as “big data,” along with the drive toward exascale computing, introduce new opportunities but also technical challenges in resilience and fault tolerance, fully harnessing multi-core/many-core and hybrid systems, balancing I/O, and indeed the entire application programming and runtime environment including middleware, tools, libraries, and applications. Simply scaling today’s technologies to exascale is infeasible from the standpoint of power demand, thus there are engineering challenges related to power efficiency that suggest the need to look beyond traditional silicon-based building block to consider entirely new substrates such as quantum, biological, or carbon-nanotube designs.


Equally important are areas related to efficient use of hundreds of thousands (or millions) of processing units, introducing challenges with respect to resource scheduling and workload management. Over the past several decades schedulers have been designed in such a way to solely optimize packing of jobs as a means to improve scheduling metrics. However, these mechanisms have not heretofore contemplated new optimization objectives such as power management (e.g. scheduling based on power demands of algorithms in context of dynamic energy costs).


The importance of Cloud Computing in HPC is emphasized. We are seeing more and more government funded cloud testbeds and projects like DOE’s Magellan or the US government’s Cloud-First policy, the SARA Research Cloud, the Japanese Kasumigaseki Cloud, and many EU funded Cloud projects. Commercial cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services, Bull extreme factory, Fujitsu TC Cloud,Gompute, Microsoft Azure, NimbixNimbula, Penguin on Demand, and many more are now offering HPC-focused infrastructure, platform, and application services. Indeed it appears that Amazon Web Services is nearing the $1B mark, having become the underlying IT provider for a new generation of startups. On the other hand, it is still not well understood which kinds of applications are suitable for and benefit from HPC clouds. For example, careful application benchmarking of different cloud infrastructures have to be performed and compared with runs on physical machines.

Further, though industry providers build redundancy and fault-tolerance into their systems, there are nonetheless large-scale failures and thus application and service providers must begin to consider a multi-source strategy, raising issues of cloud service interoperation and standard APIs.


Strongly related to the topic of clouds is Green IT, because clouds are making computing also more energy-efficient. By storing and running processes on the cloud, applications can share the resources sitting on a wide network of servers, which can keep them from going idle and wasting the energy used to power them. IT consulting firm Accenture estimates that companies could cut energy consumption and carbon emissions by 30 percent by switching over the cloud.


Finally, many of the most widely used application codes have undergone many generations of adaptation as new architectures have emerged, from vector to MPP to cluster to cloud, and more recently tomulticore and hybrid. As exascale systems move toward millions of processing units the interplay between system and user software, compilers and middlware, even programmer and run-time environment must be reconsidered. How much resilience and fault-tolerance can, or should, be embedded transparently in the system versus exposed to the programmer?


Summarizing, the aim of this special workshop is to shed some light on key topics in advanced high performance computing systems and, in particular, to address the aforementioned contemporary scheduling topics. For that, the four and a half day program of this workshop will have about forty invited talks by experts in the field.


 Workshop topics



Workshop topics will be related tobut are not limited toany of the following ones:


·        General Issues in High Performance Computingincl.:

         Exascale Computing

         Brain-inspired computing


·        Emerging Computer Architectures for HPC, incl.:

         Communication networks

         Heterogeneous systemsincluding CPU, GPU, FPGA, etc.

         Grids and Clouds for HPC

         Performance Analyses

         Energy Requirements (Green Computing)

·        Software Development:

         System Software, inclVirtualization

         Programming Models and Runtime Environments

         Languages and Compilers for Parallel Systems

         Software Development Tools and Environments

         Middleware for (Distributed) Data Management, Data Analytics, etc.

·        Applications Software for HPC  and other Advanced Applications:


         Large Scale Data Processing and Analysis (Big Data)

        Smart CitiesInfrastructure OptimizationUrban Data Analytics

        Internet of Things

        Multimedia ApplicationsinclMedical and Industrial Image Processing, Animation

        Scientific ApplicationsinclSimulationMedical and Bio-SciencesAstronomyGeo-Sciences

        Industrial and Commercial Applications





Over fifty invited papers will be presented at the workshop. Keynote overview talks will be given together with research and industry presentations.

Ten Sessions will be planned together with two Panel Discussions.

Several sessions on Clouds, “Big Data” and Exascale Computing will play an important role in the workshop programme; invited speakers from different sectors, public and private, will debate the most critical issues related to their development strategies for Research and Enterprise.


 International Programme Committee



Lucio Grandinetti (Chair)

Department of Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Systems

University of Calabria – UNICAL


Center of Excellence for High Performance Computing




Frank Baetke

Global HPC Programs

Academia and Scientific Research

Hewlett Packard

Palo Alto, CA



Charlie Catlett

Math & Computer Science Div.

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL


Computation Institute of

The University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory

Chicago, IL



Jack Dongarra

Innovative Computing Laboratory

Computer Science Dept.

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN



Sudip S. Dosanjh

Director of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory




Ian Foster

Math & Computer Science Div.

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL


Dept of Computer Science

The University of Chicago

Chicago, IL



Geoffrey Fox

Community Grid Computing Laboratory

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN



Wolfgang Gentzsch

The UberCloud and EUDAT



Vladimir Getov

School of Electronics and Computer Science

University of Westminster



Gerhard Joubert

Technical University Clausthal



Carl Kesselman

Professor, Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Fellow, Information Sciences Institute

Viterbi School of Engineering


Professor, Preventive Medicine

Keck School of Medicine


University of Southern California

Marina del Rey, CA



Erwin Laure

KTH Royal Institute of Technology




Thomas Lippert

Institute for Advanced Simulation

Juelich Supercomputing Centre

Forschungszentrum Juelich




Miron Livny

Computer Sciences Dept.

University of Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin



Ignacio Llorente

Distributed Systems Architecture Group

Dpt. de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática

Facultad de Informática, Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Bob Lucas

Computational Sciences Division

University of Southern California

Information Sciences Institute

Los Angeles, CA



Satoshi Matsuoka

Global Scientific Information and Computing Center

& Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences

Tokyo Institute of Technology




Paul Messina

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, Illinois



Ken Miura

Fellow, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited

Professor emeritus, National Institute of Informatics



Valerio Pascucci

Director, Center for Extreme Data Management, Analysis and Visualization

Professor, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute


School of Computing, University of Utah

Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory



Nicolai Petkov

University of Groningen



Judy Qiu

School of Informatics and Computing


Pervasive Technology Institute

Indiana University




Satoshi Sekiguchi

Deputy Director General

Directorate for Information Technology and Electronics

National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)



Thomas Sterling

Professor, School of Informatics and Computing

Chief Scientist and Associate Director, CREST

Indiana University




Amy Wang

Department of Computer Science

The University of Hong Kong








L. GRANDINETTI   Center of Excellence for HPC, UNICAL, Italy

T. LIPPERT               Juelich Supercomputing Center, Germany



 Organizing Committee



L. GRANDINETTI   (Co-Chair)           (ITALY)

T. LIPPERT               (Co-Chair)           (GERMANY)


Ø      M. ALBAALI                         (OMAN)

Ø      C. CATLETT                         (USA)

Ø      J. DONGARRA                     (USA)

Ø      W. GENTZSCH                     (GERMANY)

Ø      O. PISACANE                      (ITALY)



 Workshop Agenda





t.b.a.       to be announced


Monday, July 7th


Session I

State of the art and future scenarios

9:00 – 9:15

Welcome Address

9:15 – 9:50

J. Dongarra

High Performance Computing Today and Benchmark the Future

9:50 – 10:25

I. Foster

Networking materials data

10:25 – 11:00

G. Fox

Returning to Java Grande: High Performance Architecture for Big Data

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:05

S. Matsuoka

Convergence of Extreme Big Data and HPC - Managing the memory hierarchy and data movement the key towards future exascale

12:05 – 12:40

R. Stevens

Future Scenarios — Mobile Über Alles: Trends and Open Problems for the Coming Decade, How does HPC Stay Relevant?

12:40 – 13:00

Concluding Remarks

Session II

Emerging computer systems and solutions

17:00 – 17:25

F. Baetke

Trends and Paradigm Shifts in High Performance Computing

17:25 – 17:50

B. Blake

The Fusion of Supercomputing and Big Data: The Role of Global Memory Architectures in Future Large Scale Data Analytics

17:50 – 18:15

P. Coteus

Data Centric Systems

18:15 – 18:45

Coffee Break

18:45 – 19:10

J. Leidel

Programming Challenges in Future Memory Systems

19:10 – 19:35

D. Pellerin

Scalability in the Cloud: HPC Convergence with Big Data in Design, Engineering, Manufacturing

19:35 – 20:00

M. Kunze

Big Data Technologies

20:00 – 20:10

Concluding Remarks



Tuesday, July 8th


Session III

Advances in HPC technology and systems

9:00 – 9:25

S. Gorlatch

Towards High-Level Programming for Many-Cores

9:25 – 9:50

A. Shafarenko

Coordination programming for self-tuning: the challenge of a heterogeneous open environment

9:50 – 10:15

K. Miura

Prospects for the Monte Carlo Methods in the Million Processor-core Era and Beyond

10:15 – 10:40

B. Lucas

Accelerating the Multifrontal Method

10:40 – 11:05

V. Martin-Mayor

Quantum versus Thermal annealing (or D-wave versus Janus):

seeking a fair comparison

11:05 – 11:35

Coffee Break

Session IV

Software and Architecture for Extreme Scale Computing I

11:35 – 12:00

S. Dosanjh

Big Computing, Big Data, Big Science

12:00 – 12:25

E. Laure

EPiGRAM - Towards Exascale Programming Models

12:25 – 12:50

M. Seager

Beowulf meets Exascale System Software: A horizontally integrated framework

12:50 – 13:15

B. Lucas

Adiabatic Quantum Annealing Update

Session V

Software and Architecture for Extreme Scale Computing II

17:00 – 17:25

P. Beckman


17:25 – 17:50

J. Shalf

Exascale Programming Challenges: Adjusting to the new normal for computer architecture

17:50 – 18:15

L. Kucera

A lower bound to energy consumption of an exascale computer

18:15 – 18:45

Coffee Break

Session VI

Brain related simulation and computing

18:45 – 19:10

K. Amunts

Ultra-high resolution models of the human brain – computational and neuroscientific challenges

19:10 – 19:35

T. Lippert

Creating the HPC Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project

19:35 – 20:00

B. ter Haar Romeny

Functional models for early vision circuits from first principles

20:00 – 20:10

Concluding Remarks



Wednesday, July 9th


Session VII

Beyond Exascale Computing

9:00 – 9:15

P. Messina

Enabling technologies for beyond exascale computing

9:15 – 9:45

R. Stevens

Beyond Exascale — What will Sustain our Quest for Performance in a Post-Moore World?

9:45 – 10:15

M. Dorojevets

Energy-Efficient Superconductor Circuits for High-Performance Computing

10:15 – 10:45

M. Troyer


10:45 – 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15 – 11:45

M. Moraes

Scaling lessons from the software challenges in Anton, a special-purpose machine for molecular dynamics simulation

11:45 – 12:15

P. Demichel

New technologies that disrupt our complete ecosystem and their limits in the race to Zettascale

12:15 – 12:45

K. Bergman

Scalable Computing Systems with Optically Enabled Data Movement

12:45 – 13:00

Concluding Remarks

17:00 – 17:30

R. Wisniewski

System Software for PEZ(Y)

17:30 – 18:00

Coffee Break

18:00 – 18:30

T. Sterling

Extreme-scale Architecture in the Neo-Digital Age

18:30 – 20:00


“Beyond Exascale Computing”


Organized and Chaired by Paul Messina


Participants: F.Baetke (Hewlett Packard), P. Coteus (IBM), R. Graham (Mellanox),

G. Fox (Indiana University), T. Lippert (Juelich Supercomputing Centre),

S. Matsuoka (Tokyo Institute of Technology), P. Shalf (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory),

V. Voevodin (Moscow State University)



Thursday, July 10th


Session VIII

Cloud Computing technology and systems

9:00 – 9:30

J. Qiu

Harp: Collective Communication on Hadoop

9:30 – 10:00

D. Petcu

Overcoming the Cloud heterogeneity: from uniform interfaces and abstract models to multi-cloud platforms

10:00 – 10:30

T. Hirofuchi

AIST Super Green Cloud: A build-once-run-everywhere high performance computing platform

10:30 – 11:00

D. Talia

Programming Script-based Data Analytics Workflows on Clouds

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:00

G. Lonsdale

The Fortissimo HPC-Cloud: an enabler for engineering and manufacturing SMEs

12:00 – 12:30

J.L. Vazquez

Clouds for meteorology, two cases study

12:30 – 13:00

W. Gentzsch

UberCloud - from Project to Product

13:00 – 13.10

Concluding Remarks

Session IX

Big Data

17:00 – 17:25

V. Pascucci

The Big Gift of Big Data

17:25 – 17:50

A. Choudhary

BIG DATA + BIG COMPUTE = Power of Two for Scientific Discoveries

17:50 – 18:15

G. Fox

Parallelizing Data Analytics

18:15 – 18:45

Coffee Break

18:45 – 19:10

G. Joubert

Modelling & Big Data

19:10 – 19:35

E. Van Hensbergen

From Sensors to Supercomputers, Big Data Begins With Little Data

19:35– 20:00

C. Kesselman

A Software as a Services based approach to Digital Asset Management for Complex Big-Data

20:00 – 20:10

Concluding Remarks



Friday, July 11th


Session X

Infrastructures, Solutions and Challenging applications of HPC, Grids and Clouds

9:00 – 9:30

C. Catlett

New Opportunities for Computation and Big Data in Urban Sciences

9:30 – 10:00

R. Graham

The Exascale Architecture

10:00 – 10:30

S. Markidis

Challenges and Roadmap for Scientific Applications at Exascale

10:30 – 11:00

W. Tang

Extreme Scale Computing Advances & Challenges in PIC Simulations

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:00

P. Vashishta

Thermomechanical Behaviour and Materials Damage:

Multimillion-Billion Atom Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations

12:00 – 12:30

P. Fischer

Scalable Simulations of Multiscale Physics

12:30 – 13:00

V. Voevodin

Medical practice: diagnostics, treatment and surgery in supercomputer centers

13:00 – 13:10

Concluding Remarks







Many well known speakers from all over the world will contribute to the Workshop’s technical programme.

The current list of speakers includes, among others:

Katrin Amunts

Juelich Resarch Center

Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine

Structural and Functional Organization of the Brain (INM 1) at Forschungszentrum Jülich



Structural-functional brain mapping at RWTH Aachen University




Frank Baetke

Global HPC Programs

Academia and Scientific Research

Hewlett Packard

Palo Alto, CA



Pete Beckman

Director, Exascale Technology and Computing Institute

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL



Keren Bergman

Department of Electrical Engineering

Columbia University

New YorkNY



William Blake

Senior VP and CTO





Charlie Catlett

Math & Computer Science Div.

Argonne National Laboratory



Computation Institute of

The University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory




Alok Choudhary

Kellogg School of Management

Northwestern University




Paul Coteus

IBM Research - Yorktown Heights

Data Centric Deep Computing Systems

Yorktown HeightsN.Y.



Patrick Demichel

Strategic System Architect in HPC

Hewlett Packard

Palo Alto, CA



Jack Dongarra

Innovative Computing Laboratory

University of Tennessee



Oak Ridge National Laboratory



Mikhail Dorojevets

Stony Brook University

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Stony Brook, NY



Sudip S. Dosanjh

Director of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory




Paul F. Fischer

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL



Ian Foster

Argonne National Laboratory



Dept of Computer Science

The University of Chicago




Geoffrey Fox

Community Grid Computing Laboratory

Indiana University




Wolfgang Gentzsch

The UberCloud and EUDAT



Sergei Gorlatch

Universitaet Muenster

Institut für Informatik



Richard Graham


Sunnyvale, CA



Bart Ter Haar Romeny

Eindhoven University of Technology

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Image Analysis & Interpretation




Takahiro Hirofuchi

Information Technology Research Institute

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)



Gerhard Joubert

Technical University Clausthal



Carl Kesselman

Information Sciences Institute

University of Southern California

Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, CA



Ludek Kucera

Charles University

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics




Marcel Kunze

Forschungsgruppe Cloud Computing
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)



Erwin Laure

KTH Royal Institute of Technology




John D. Leidel
Software Compiler Development Manager
Micron Technology, Inc.

Dallas/Forth Worth, Texas



Thomas Lippert

Institute for Advanced Simulation

Jülich Supercomputing Centre


University of Wuppertal, Computational Theoretical Physics,


John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC)


European PRACE IP Projects and of the DEEP Exascale Project



Guy Lonsdale

Vorstand/CEO   scapos AG

Sankt Augustin



Bob Lucas

Computational Sciences Division

University of Southern California

Information Sciences Institute

Los Angeles, CA



Stefano Markidis

KTH Royal Institute of Technology




Victor Martin-Mayor

Departamento de Fisica Teorica

Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Satoshi Matsuoka

Global Scientific Information and Computing Center

& Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences

Tokyo Institute of Technology




Paul Messina

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL



Ken Miura

Center for Grid Research and Development

National Institute of Informatics




Mark Moraes

Head Engineering Group

D.E. Shaw Research

New York



Valerio Pascucci

University of Utah

Center for Extreme Data Management, Analysis and Visualization,

Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute

School of Computing


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Salt Lake CityUT



David Pellerin

AWS High Performance Computing




Dana Petcu

Computer Science Department

West University of Timisoara



Judy Qiu

School of Informatics and Computing


Pervasive Technology Institute

Indiana University



Mark Seager

CTO for HPC Systems


Santa ClaraCalifornia



Alex Shafarenko

School of Computer Science

University of Hertfordshire




John Shalf

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory




Thomas Sterling

School of Informatics and Computing


CREST Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies

Indiana University




Rick Stevens

Argonne National Laboratory


Department of Computer Science,

The University of Chicago

Argonne & Chicago



Domenico Talia

Department of Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Systems

University of Calabria



William M. Tang

Princeton University

Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences, Plasma Physics Section

Fusion Simulation Program

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory


Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering




Matthias Troyer

Institut für Theoretische Physik

ETH Zürich



Eric Van Hensbergen

ARM Research
Austin, TX


Priya Vashishta

Collaboratory for Advanced Computing and Simulations

Departments of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, Physics & Astronomy, and Computer Science

University of Southern California

Los AngelesCA



Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti

Distributed Systems Architecture Research Group (DSA-Research.org)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Vladimir Voevodin

Moscow State University

Research Computing Center




Robert Wisniewski

Chief Software Architect Exascale Computing

INTEL Corporation

New York, NY








DIMES - Department of Computer Engineering, Electronics, and Systems

University of Calabria – UNICAL

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione

Università del Salento

Hewlett Packard



Juelich Supercomputing Center

KISTI - Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information



National Research Council of Italy - ICAR - Institute for High Performance Computing and Networks




Media Sponsors




HPCwire is the leader in world-class journalism for HPC. With a legacy dating back to 1986, HPCwire is recognized worldwide for its breakthrough coverage of the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them. For topics ranging from the latest trends and emerging technologies, to expert commentary, in-depth analysis, and original feature coverage, HPCwire delivers it all, as the industry’s leading news authority and most reliable and trusted resource. Visit HPCwire.com and subscribe today!







Free Amazon web Service credits for all HPC 2014 delegates


Amazon is very pleased to be able to provide $200 in service credits to all HPC 2014 delegates. Amazon Web Services provides a collection of scalable high performance and data-intensive computing services, storage, connectivity, and integration tools. AWS allows you to increase the speed of research and to reduce costs by providing Cluster Compute or Cluster GPU servers on-demand.  You have access to a full-bisection, high bandwidth 10Gbps network for tightly-coupled, IO-intensive workloads, which enables you to scale out across thousands of cores for throughput-oriented applications.







The UberCloud is an online community and marketplace platform for engineers and scientists to discover, try, and buy computing time, on demand, in the HPC Cloud, and pay only for what you use.

Please register for the UberCloud Voice Newsletter, or for performing an HPC Experiment in the Cloud.







All contributions to the Workshop are invited original research papers not previously published.

It is planned to publish a selection of papers presented at the Workshop in a Proceedings Volume or in a well established international journal.


 Workshop venue, address and logistics


The workshop will be held at the Grand Hotel San Michele, a charming Hotel on the Tyrrhenian coast of Southern Italy with surrounding green park, golf facilities and private beach.


The Hotel is very close to a seaside fisherman village named Cetraro, near Cosenza, a city of Southern Italy (for more, see the next title “How to Reach Cetraro”).


Information as well as accommodation and other local arrangements will be handled by the workshop Secretariat supervised by:



Dr. Maria Teresa Guaglianone

Università della Calabria

87036, Rende (Cosenza), Italy


lugran @ unical.it and hpc2014 @ outlook.com


Logistic information


How to reach Cetraro


Local sightseeing


 Participation, deadlines and guidelines





This policy encourages wide Workshop participation in order to increase awareness of the scientific aspects and practical benefits of HPC Technology, Grids and Clouds, to facilitate professional relations and to create technology transfer opportunities.


All contributions to the Workshop are invited original research papers not previously published.


Since the number of participants will be limited, AN EARLY APPLICATION IS RECOMMENDED.


Please use the Registration form here attached


Enquiries about the technical programme and applications for participation in the workshop should be sent to:


HPC Workshop 2014


Prof. Lucio Grandinetti


Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e Sistemistica – Università della Calabria

87036 Rende - Cosenza - Italy


Phone: +39-3351244747


Fax: +39-984-494847


e-mail:    lugran @ unical.it    and       hpc2014 @ outlook.com



  Local arrangements



Information as well as accommodation, local transportation and other local arrangements will be handled by the workshop Secretariat supervised by:


Dr. Maria Teresa Guaglianone


Università della Calabria

87036 RendeCosenzaItaly


lugran @ unical.it and hpc2014 @ outlook.com





Two accommodation types are available at the workshop’s hotel:


1.      Rooms in the main hotel building


Type of Accommodation

Price in Euros

Single room


Double room (double occupancy)

140,00 p.p.

Double room (used as single)


Suite (multiple occupancy)

190,00 p.p.



All prices are intended PER PERSON, PER DAY.


They include accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

The Hotel’s number of rooms available is limited. The single rooms are very few.

An early booking is recommended.


2.      Rooms in the Hotel annex buildings “maisonnettes

The “Maisonnettes” are Hotel annex buildings, located within a green park, at a walking distance from the main building and the congress center.

The “Maisonnettes” can accommodate one/two/three/four persons.

This type of accommodation is particularly suitable for small groups or families.

The price is 110 Euro for single occupancy and 90 Euro for multiple occupancy.

The price is per person, per day, covering both accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

The price per person in a double room (main Hotel building) or in a multiple occupancy (“Maisonnettes”) refers to workshop participants.

The case of special arrangements (e.g. children accommodation, suite accommodation, etc.) is handled by the Workshop Secretariat.


The number of rooms available is very limited.

An early booking is recommended.



Hotel reservations will be managed by the Workshop Secretariat (lugran @ unical.it and hpc2014 @ outlook.com)





to specify the accommodation required.


 Local transportation



A pick up service will be provided, free of charge, to those who will fill in the




 Website Updating



The information given in this website and the relevant links will be updated day by day.

Therefore, the interested people are invited to visit the site frequently.


The final Programme of the Workshop edition HPC2012 is still available on the website http://www.hpcc.unical.it/hpc2012 for inspection by those who wish to have a flavour of the HPC Workshop series structure and style.


In addition, the books mentioned hereinafter, published on October 2013, are based on a selection of papers presented at HPC 2012 and refereed before publication:

 D’Hollander, E.H., Dongarra, J.J., Foster, I., Grandinetti, L., Joubert, G.R. (Eds) Transition of HPC Towards Exascale Computing, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2013, pages 232, Volume 24 of Advances in Parallel Computing, ISBN 978-1-61499-323-0

Catlett, C., Gentzsch, W., Grandinetti, L., Joubert, G.R., Vazquez-Poletti, J.L. (Eds) Cloud Computing and Big Data, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2013, pages 264, Volume 23 of Advances in Parallel Computing, ISBN 978-1-61499-321-6