HPC 2010

Cetraro (Italy) June 21 – 25, 2010


Two accommodation types are available at the workshop’s hotel:

  1. Rooms in the main hotel building

Type of Accommodation

Price in Euros

Single room


Double room (double occupancy)

140,00 p.p.

Double room (used as single)


Suite (multiple occupancy)

190,00 p.p.


All prices are intended PER PERSON, PER DAY.


They include accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner). The Hotel’s number of rooms available is limited. The single rooms are very few.


An early booking is recommended.

  1. Rooms in the Hotel annex buildings “maisonnettes

The “Maisonnettes” are Hotel annex buildings, located within a green park, at a walking distance from the main building and the congress center.

The “Maisonnettes” can accommodate one/two/three/four persons.

This type of accommodation is particularly suitable for small groups or families.

The price is 110 Euro for single occupancy and 90 Euro for multiple occupancy.

The price is per person, per day, covering both accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

The price per person in a double room (main Hotel building) or in a multiple occupancy (“Maisonnettes”) refers to workshop participants.

The case of special arrangements (e.g. children accommodation, suite accommodation, etc.) is handled by the Workshop Secretariat.


The number of rooms available is limited.

An early booking is recommended!

Please use the Accommodation form to specify the accommodation required.


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