Cetraro (Italy), July 3-6, 2006


Main Aim

High Performance Computing (HPC) is a key Information Technology attracting a great deal of attention in USA, Europe, Japan and other economically raising Asian countries as a fundamental tool for scientific research, industrial production and business decision making. HPC is viewed as one of the most important technologies of the 21st Century. For example, by the PTAC, US President Information Technology Advisory Council. Significant amounts of energy and financial resources have been invested by governments and private sectors for building adequate infrastructures and human skills to enable the expected benefits. Yet, despite many spectacular accomplishments of HPC, this tool is still underutilized by many academic schools, industrial companies and businesses. There are several challenges that slow down deployment of HPC. Some are mentioned in the Section Programme. Some or all of these challenges may disappear or become less essential with the advent of Grid Computing. Most IT strategists and experts believe that Grid Computing is the future. So far there have been very successful attempts to connect globally individual computers and create large clusters that solved very compute and data intensive problems in physics, chemistry, life sciences, astronomy, etc. Grid Computing may be ready soon for industrial and business applications. It could be used for Enterprise deployment as soon as several technical challenges are solved. Among them are: security, standards, reliability an accountability. The aim of the Workshop is to discuss the future developments in the HPC technologies, and to contribute to assess the main aspects of Grids, with special emphasis on solutions to grid computing deployment. The HPC Advanced Workshops in Cetraro have been well established and two of them (1992 and 1996) were sponsored by NATO.

Workshop Topics     

·       General Issues in High Performance Computing

·       Advanced Technologies for Petaflops Computing

·       Emerging Computer Architectures and Their Performance

·       Programming Models

·       Parallel Languages

·       Parallel Software Tools and Environments

·       Distributed Systems and Algorithms

·       Parallel Multimedia Computing Technologies

·       Innovative Applications in Science and Industry

·       High Performance Computing for Commercial Applications

·       General Issues in Grid Computing

  • Grid Computing for Enterprise: security, system life cycle management, reliability, accountability


Over forty invited papers will be presented in the four days long workshop. Keynote overview talks will be given together with research presentations.

Despite significant investments in the HPC science and technology there are many technical and economic challenges that limit the use of HPC computers. Examples of such challenges are:

·       limited parallel software portability;

·       unclear cost performance metric for parallel computing;

·       expensive reengineering of the sequential legacy software;

·       difficult parallel programming.

If we consider the TOP500 computers currently in use we will see that the predominant architecture of these machines is a cluster. In comparison to clusters MPPs and vector computers are a small minority. This trend may or may not continue.

It will be interesting to see if some tools developed in scientific and commercial HPC environments will eventually become interchangeable.

Several sessions on Grids will play the central role in the workshop programme; invited speakers from different sectors, public and private, will debate the most critical issues related to the grid development strategies and Grids for Enterprise.

Programme Committee

















H. Jin














Organizing Committee








International Programme Committee



Fran Berman

San Diego Supercomputer Center

San Diego, CA, USA


Franck Cappello

Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique

Université Paris Sud



charlie catlett

Argonne National Laboratory

Illinois, USA


Jack Dongarra

University of Tennessee Knoxville


Oak Ridge National Lab.



IAn Foster

Math & Computer Science Div.

Argonne National Laboratory

Dept of Computer Science


University of Chicago    



Geoffrey Fox

Community Grid Computing Laboratory


Dept. of Computer Science

Indiana University



Lucio Grandinetti

High Performance Computing Center


Dept. of Electronics, Informatics and Systems

University of Calabria



Andrew Grimshaw

Department of Computer Science

University of Virginia



Hai Jin

Cluster and Grid Computing Lab.

School of Computer Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology



Gerhard Joubert

Technische Universität Clausthal
Institut für Informatik



carl kesselman

Information Sciences Institute

The University of Southern California



Janusz Kowalik

The Boeing Company

Seattle, USA


Miron Livny

Computer Sciences Department  

University of Wisconsin

WI, USA   


Ken Miura

Center for Grid Research and Development
National Institute of Informatics (NII)



Dan Reed

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill                

Renaissance Computing Institute








·       CILEA Interuniversity Consortium for Information and Communication Technologies

·       CINECA Interuniversity Consortium of Northeastern Italy for Automatic Computing

·       ClusterVision

·       ENEA Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment

·       FZJ – Forschungszentrum Juelich

·       GGF –  Global Grid Forum

·       Hewlett Packard

·       HPCC – HPC Center of Excellence, University of Calabria, Italy

·       IBM

·       INNOVA Technology Transfer and Valorisation

·       Linux Networx

·       Microsoft

·       Myricom

·       NEC

·       NICE

·       PLATFORM Computing

·       San Paolo Banco di Napoli

·       SUN Microsystems

·       University of Calabria, Italy


David Abramson

Clayton School of Information

Monash University

Clayton, Vic


Giovanni Aloisio

Dept. of Innovation Engineering , University of Lecce and

National Nanotechnology Lab/INFM&CNR and

SPACI Consortium, Lecce


Antonio Arena




Claudio Arlandini

CILEA - Interuniversity Consortium for Information and Communication Technologies, Milan


Rosa Badia

Grid Computing and Clusters

Barcelona Supercomputing Center


Frank Baetke

Global HPC Technology

Hewlett Packard

Richardson, TX


Sanzio Bassini

CINECA - Interuniversity Consortium of Northeastern Italy for Automatic Computing, Bologna


Kyriakos Baxevanidis

Research Infrastructures Unit

European Commission



Pete Beckman

Maths and Computer Science Division

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL


Fran Berman

San Diego Supercomputer Center

and University of California at San Diego

San Diego, CA


Franck Cappello


Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique

Université Paris Sud



Umit Catalyurek

Department of Biomedical Informatics

Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio


Charlie Catlett

Maths and Computer Science Division

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL and

University of Chicago

Chicago, IL


Barbara Chapman

Dept. of Computer Science

University of Houston

Houston, TX


Kihyeon Cho

Supercomputing Center KISTI

(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)



Richard Croucher

SUN Microsystems


Ewa Deelman

Computer Science Department

University of Southern California and

Center for Grid Technologies, Information Sciences Institute, USC

Los Angeles, CA

Jack Dongarra

Innovative Computing Laboratory

Computer Science Dept.

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN


Markus Fischer

Myricom, Inc.

Arcadia, CA


Ian Foster

Maths & Computer Science Division

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne, IL


Dept of Computer Science

The University of Chicago

Chicago, IL


Geoffrey Fox

Community Grid Computing Laboratory

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN


Toshiyuki Furui

NEC IT Platform

Fuchu-city, Tokyo


Fabrizio Gagliardi

Scientific and Technical Computing

Advanced Strategies and Policy Division


Microsoft Corporation


Dennis Gannon

Dept. of Computer Science

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN


Wolfgang Gentzsch

German D-Grid


RENCI, University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC


Sergei Gorlatch

Universität Münster

Institut für Informatik



Lucio Grandinetti

Center of Excellence for High Performance Computing HPCC

University of Calabria

Rende - Cosenza


Andrew Grimshaw

Department of Computer Science

University of Virgina

Charlosttesville, VA


Chris Jesshope

Informatic Institute

Universiteit van Amsterdam


The Netherlands

Hai Jin

School of Computer Science & Technology;

Cluster and Grid Computing Lab;

Services Computing Technology and System Lab

Huazhong University of Science & Technology



William Johnston

ESnet Dept.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley, CA


Gerhard Joubert

TU Clausthal University

Institut fur Informatik



Joshua Harr

Linux Networx

Salt Lake City, Utah


Felix Heine

Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing Paderborn University



Christopher Huggins


Paris La Defense


Carl Kesselman

Information Sciences Institute

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA


Dieter Kranzlmüller

Joh. Kepler University Linz




EGEE Project Director Deputy




Thomas Lippert

John von Neumann-Institute

for Computing

FZ Jülich



Miron Livny

Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin

Madison, WI


Mirco Mazzucato

INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

University of Padova


Luc Moreau

Electronics and Computer Science

University of Southampton



John O’Callaghan

Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing



Marcelo Pasin

Ecole d'Ingénieurs et d'Architectes de Fribourg



Stephen Pickles

Manchester Computing

University of Manchester



Juan Jose Porta

IBM HPC and e-Science Platforms

IBM Boeblingen Labs



Jean Pierre Prost

IBM WW Grid Strategy and Technology Team



Dan Reed

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and

Renaissance Computing Institute

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC


Anatoly Sachenko

Ukrainian-American Program of Computer Science



Rizos Sakellariou

University of Manchester



Bernhard Schott

Platform Computing



Satoshi Sekiguchi

Grid Technology Research Center

Umezono, Tsukuba


Domenico Talia

Dept. of Electronics, Informatics and Systems

University of Calabria

Rende - Cosenza


Guy Tel-Zur




Frank Wuerthwein

University of California San Diego

San Diego, California


Zhiwei Xu

Institute of Computing Technology

Chinese Academy of Sciences




Registration Fees

This policy encourages wide Workshop participation, in order to increase awareness of the scientific aspects and practical benefits of HPC technology, to facilitate professional relations and to create technology transfer opportunities.


All contributions to the Workshop are invited original research papers not previously published.

It is planned to publish a selection of papers presented at the Workshop in a Proceedings Volume or in a well established international journal.  


  Local Arrangements

The site of the workshop is the Grand Hotel San Michele in Cetraro, a beautiful seaside village near Cosenza, a southern city of Italy.

Information as well as accommodation and other local arrangements will be handled by the workshop Secretariat:

Maria Teresa Guaglianone

Dipartimento di Elettronica Informatica e Sistemistica - Università della Calabria

87036 Rende-Cosenza Italy.

Phone ++39 984 494731

Fax ++39 984 494847



Logistic information


How to reach Cetraro


Local sightseeing

Workshop Address

Enquires about the technical programme and applications for participation in the workshop should be sent to:

HPC Workshop 2006

Prof. Lucio Grandinetti

Dipartimento Elettronica, Informatica, Sistemistica – Università della Calabria,

87036 Rende - Cosenza - Italy

Phone: +39-984-494731

Fax: +39-984-494847



 Workshop Agenda



Monday, July 3rd



Session I

General Issues, State of the Art and Future scenarios of HPC and Grids


Welcome Address


I. Foster

Service-Oriented Science: Scaling eScience Impact


F. Berman

One hundred years of data


A. Grimshaw

Enterprise Data Integration with Grid Technology


W. Johnston

The Evolution of Networks Over the Next 10 Years to Support Grid-Based, Large-Scale International Science


Coffee Break


J. Dongarra

Challenges with Multicore and Specialized Accelerators


C. Jesshope

Managing Concurrency in Computer Systems - A Journey Across Scale


Concluding Remarks

Session II

Emerging Computer Systems and Solutions


F. Baetke

Old and New Trends in High Performance Computing


J. J. Porta

From gaming to serious supercomputing fun


T. Furui

NEC HPC Strategy and Products


Coffee Break


J. Harr

Does Multi-Paradigm Computing Have a Future?


B. Schott

Proceedings on Grid Computing serving multiple workload types from HPC to Enterprise applications


M. Fischer

“Myri-10G and the Future of HPC Clusters”


Concluding Remarks




Tuesday, July 4th



Session III

Grid Fundamentals


M. Livny

Managed Data Placement in a Distributed Environment


C. Kesselman

Virtual Communities and Science in the Large


D. Reed

Scaling: Realizing the Potential of Grids and High-End Computing


P. Beckman

Urgent Computing: The Future of Emerging Computation and Shared Grid Resources


G. Fox

Grids for Scholarly Research


Coffee Break


D. Talia

Data Integration in OGSA Grids for Distributed Information Sharing


S. Gorlatch

Scaling the Grid for Real-Time Online Computer Games


L. Grandinetti

An Optimizated Algorithm for Local Grid Scheduling


Concluding Remarks

Session IV

Grid Technology 1


I. Foster

The GriPhyN Virtual Data System


H. Jin

Image Processing Grid: A Concrete Example in China Grid


C. Catlett

Toward the InterGrid


Coffee Break


F. Cappello

Status and Early Results of the Largest Experimental Platform for Grid Research: Grid 5000


F. Wuerthwein

The Open Science Grid


E. Deelman

Challenges of Managing Large-Scale Scientific Workflows in Distributed Environments


Concluding Remarks





Wednesday, July 5th



Session V

Grid Technology 2


D. Gannon

Science Portals for Grid Applications


A. Grimshaw

Defining the Grid: An Introduction to OGSA


L. Moreau

A Open Provenance Model for Scientific Workflows


D. Abramson

Grid Middleware for e-Science Software Deployment, Testing and Debugging


F. Heine

BabelPeers: Scalable and Semantically Rich Grid Resource Discovery


Coffee Break

Session VI

National and International Grid Projects - 1


D. Kranzlmueller

The EGEE - II Project: Evolution Towards a Permanent European Grid Initiative


W. Gentzsch



M. Mazzucato

National Grid Initiatives in Italy


Concluding Remarks

Session VI

National and International Grid Projects - 2


J. O’Callaghan

The National APAC Grid


S. Sekiguchi

NAREGI as National Cyber Science Infrastructure and beyond


G. Tel-Zur

Grid and High-Performance Computing in Israel


J.-P. Prost - R. Badia

Latin American Grid Initiative Joint Research Program Overview


Z. Xu

Research Agenda for China National Grid and Vega Grid


K. Cho

Cyberinfrastructure in Korea: Status Report


Coffee Break


K. Baxevanidis

European Commission 7th FP Preview




“Grid Interoperation”


Chariman: G. Joubert


Organizer: C. Catlett






Thursday, July 6th



Session VII

Infrastructures, Instruments, Products, Solutions for High Performance Computing and Grids


S. Bassini

DEISA Project - European Supercluster Alliance


T. Lippert

Blue Gene: A Paradigm Shift in HPC?


A. Arena

Grid Portals: Experiences and Perspectives


R. Sakellariou

Parallel Job Scheduling for HPC on the Grid: The Case for Novel Forms of Scheduling


C. Arlandini

Present and Future of Project SEPAC




G. Aloisio

An integrated Approach to Grid Resource Management


M. Pasin

An Efficient Interoperable High Performance Programming Architecture for the Grid


C. Huggins

DAS 3 - The World's Fastest Grid


Concluding Remarks

Session VIII

Challenging Applications of HPC and Grids


U. Catalyurek

Application of Grid Technology in Cancer Research: Middleware and Tools


B. Chapman

Support for Specification and Scheduling of an Air Quality Forecast Code on the Grid


S. Pickles

Collaboration Grids: costs, benefits and scaling laws


Coffee Break


A. Sachenko

Deployment of a GRID System for Space Weather Prediction using Neural Networks


Concluding Remarks





Panel Discussion

Grid Interoperation

With increasing numbers of production grid facilities, there is effort to define interoperation but different views on the right abstraction at which to pursue interoperation.  Approaches range from an emphasis on running a common software stack to defining only "services" and "interfaces." Leveraging the installed base of software may offer near-term interoperation while standards develop.

From the application point of view, web portals are increasingly attractive as mechanisms to provide "Science Gateways" that leverage web services to deliver a streamlined view to the user. This panel will explore various approaches to interoperation that are being pursued today.



Chairman: G. Joubert


·       C. Catlett

·       I. Foster

·       D. Gannon

·       F. Gagliardi

·       W. Gentzsch

·       H. Jin

·       S. Pickles




Ian Foster

Computation Institute Argonne National Laboratory & University of Chicago


Service-Oriented Science: Scaling eScience Impact



Computational approaches to problem solving have proven their worth in many fields of science, allowing the collection and analysis of unprecedented quantities of data, and the exploration via simulation of previously obscure phenomena. We now face the challenge of scaling

the impact of these approaches from the specialist to entire communities.  I speak here about work that seeks to address this goal by rethinking science's information technology foundations in terms of service-oriented architecture.  In principle, service-oriented approaches can have a transformative effect on scientific communities, allowing tools formerly accessible only to the specialist to be made available to all, and permitting previously manual data-processing and analysis tasks to be automated. However, while the potential of such "service-oriented science" has been demonstrated, its routine application across many disciplines raises challenging technical problems. One important requirement is to achieve a separation of concerns between discipline-specific content and domain-independent infrastructure; another is to streamline the formation and evolution of the "virtual organizations" that create and access content. I describe the architectural principles, software, and deployments that I am and my colleagues have produced as we tackle the first of these problems, and point to future technical challenges and scientific opportunities.

Fran Berman

Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Professor and High Performance Computing Endowed Chair, UC San Diego


One hundred years of data



The 20th century brought about an "information revolution" which has forever altered the way we work, communicate, and live.  In the 21st century, it is hard to imagine working without an increasingly broad array of enabling technologies and the data they provide.  Much of this data will form the foundation for new discovery and advances for the next 100 years and beyond.  In this talk we focus on the development and deployment of Data Cyberinfrastructure, and the challenges of developing a grid-based framework for data management and preservation over the foreseeable future.

Andrew Grimshaw


Enterprise Data Integration with Grid Technology



Both compute grids and data grids have been used in academic computing. In the extended enterprise (beyond a single site) the most compelling need is for data grids to provide real-time, and near real-time, access to data throughout the enterprise for both analytic purposes and to satisfy operational needs.  I begin my talk with a discussion of why compute grids in the extended enterprise are not a priority for companies. I will then examine the common data landscape in enterprises, and show how data grid techniques can be used to provide data integration. I will contrast data grids with alternatives such as data warehouses.

William E. Johnston, ESnet

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


The Evolution of Networks Over the Next 10 Years to Support Grid-Based, Large-Scale International Science


The U. S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science (SC) funds about 40% of the physical science research in the US. Much of this research is related to the large facilities operated by SC – the high energy accelerators like the Spallation Neutron Source and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, specialized instrument centers like the National Center for Electron Microscopy, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), and the Joint Genome Institute, several major supercomputer centers, etc. Additionally SC is a major contributor to two of the largest-ever science experiments – CERN’s Large Hadron Collider and the International Fusion Reactor (ITER) both of which are located in Europe. All of these facilities have massive data handling problems.


Each of these facilities is unique and involves large and widely distributed collaborations. Each of these facilities has its own requirements for providing collaborators access to the facility and for managing and analyzing the data generated at the facility, frequently using Grid-based data analysis and simulation approaches that involve computing and storage systems that are not located at the science facility.


The network capabilities needed to support the data movement and the Grid-based analysis systems are characterized in three ways: by observing current trends in network usage, by characterizing the data generating instruments of the facilities and the locations of the components of the analysis and storage systems, and by case studies of how the associated science community expects to be doing their science over the next ten years.


In this talk I will discuss the network capacity and functionality requirements that arise from the data movement and Grid communication of large scientific instrument centers, the network architecture and services needed to satisfy the requirements, and how these will be provided to the science community.

Jack Dongarra

Innovative Computing Laboratory Computer Science Dept. University of Tennessee


Challenges with Multicore and Specialized Accelerators

Chris Jesshope


Managing Concurrency in Computer Systems  - A  Journey Across Scale



Currently only high performance computers need to manage concurrency.In the near future, with the projected advances in chip density, the characteristics of grid applications, i.e. massive concurrency and highly-latent asynchronous communication, will need to be managed in on-chip environments. this means all computer systems from embedded ones, through desktops right up the scale to grid systems will need to manage concurrency explicitly. This represents an enormous challenge for hardware manufacturers and scientists alike. It also represents a major opportunity to design future computer systems that make the problems of programming concurrency in a scale-independent manner automatic, without any intervention from the programmer.


Ideally the programmer should be able to program using a well understood and completely deterministic model, such as the one that has been used (HPC excepted) since the dawn of the computer age... namely the sequential one. However, from this model all of the problematic issues, such as the full extent of  an application's concurrency, the distribution and scheduling of that concurrency and the communication, synchronisation and latency that this induces, must all be extracted by our compilers. Moreover, these compilers must capture that information from the level of instruction sets at the lowest end of our journey in scale right up to the high-level protocols and layers of software that provide the framework for our grid systems. Some would say that this is just a pipe dream, which is true if you look to existing processor technology and software infrastructure. However, there have been a number recent, disruptive advances computer architecture that have begun to make this scenario look distinctly possible in the not too distant future.


This talk will review the issues involved in managing concurrency across this scale, highlight the requirements and illustrate some solutions found in recent concurrency models being introduced into microprocessor architecture. The issues are of course the same as need to be extracted from our applications, namely: concurrency capture, concurrency distribution that manages locality and communication, dynamic scheduling that manages latency of communication in an asynchronous environment and synchronisation to bind it all together. These issues will be explored by reviewing a range of recent architectural approaches in supporting concurrency from purely sequential code.

Dr. Frank Baetke - Global HPC Technology Program Manager


Old and New Trends in High Performance Computing



HP’s HPC product portfolio is based on standards at the processor, node and interconnect level. The strategic approach comprises a triangle with computation, data management and visualization representing the sides of the triangle. The success of such a standard-based strategy is reflected in major wins across all market segments.


In general trends in High Performance Computing can be separated into two basic categories: one covers the directions towards smaller, faster and hopefully cooler components, the other includes more innovative directions which might lead to real paradigm shifts. A few of those will be addressed in this talk.


Since last year certain changes became obvious specifically in the components which make up the computational part. Those changes provide vast opportunities in terms of system efficiency but will also lead to new challenges. The presentation will focus on those developments within the context of UCP (Unified Cluster Portfolio) and will also address the data management part known as SFS (Scalable File Share) which is based on the Lustre cluster file-system. New trends will also be covered for the visualization part which is based on an architecture called SVA (Scalable Visualization Array).


For all the segments mentioned above characteristic sites will be shown as examples and a few hints concerning roadmaps and future trends will be added.

Juan Jose’ Porta


From gaming to serious supercomputing fun



The Cell Broadband Engine (CBE, a.k.a. Cell microprocessor) has been jointly developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba. The Cell Broadband Architecture is intended to be scalable through microprocessor integration of parallel vector processing, where a general-purpose Power processor core is interconnected with eight special-purpose streaming SIMD cores ("Synergistic Processing Elements" or SPE). The first major commercial application of Cell is in Sony's upcoming PlayStation 3 game console. Cell was developed to be a general purpose processor and also a multimedia processor.


Exploiting the CBE as a standard Power Architecture processor with tightly attached (on-chip) SIMD acceleration capabilities opens up a non-disruptive migration path to significantly improve the price/performance competitiveness (Teraflop per €, Watts and/or floorspace) of Power blades and clusters. The accelerator-based programming model has the additional attractiveness to leverage the Linux on Power and VMX ecosystems while opening up opportunities to push selected applications into the supercomputing realm.


Shifting computational work from the main PPE processors to SPEs (by running special subroutines that take over portions of the application) is a straighforward extension of current VMX tuning techniques, enabling users to solve complex problems in less time without having to deal with the complexity of reconfigurable computing techniques like FPGAs. HPC segments that can potentially benefit from the CBE capabilities include astrophysics, bioinformatics, computational chemistry, medical imaging, seismic processing, climate modelling, computational fluiddynamics, financial engineering, quantum chromodynamics and other compute-intensive areas.


This presentation will discuss the concepts of the new Cell Broadband Engine and its impact on software development and performance. Operational enviroment and programming models concepts, as well as first performance results for different benchmarks and applications will be presented.


Toshiyuki Furui


NEC HPC Strategy and Products



NEC, as one of the leading HPC solution and platform providers, has contributed to the advances by offering broad range of HPC customers innovative, sustainable and dependable solutions based on the platform products available from within the company and, when deemed appropriate, from the market.

Mandatory for the good product development is good computer architecture design and good technology development from device up to system level.

This talk will start from discussing NEC's strategy on High performance computing, together with its wide range of HPC product line.

Joshua Harr


Does Multi-paradigm Computing Have a Future?



The recent advent of multi-core processors and the lackluster improvement in processor clock speeds gives reason to question future increases in cost effective, single-thread application performance.  Many HPC vendors are looking to some kind of heterogeneous, or multi-paradigm, computing to obtain future speedups.  Most of these architectures involve a general purpose CPU used to host the operating system and other core system functions and some kind of a co-processor such as an FPGA or floating-point accelerator to improve application performance.  This talk will present the state of the art in multi-paradigm computing and present some results for some CFD, seismic, and life sciences applications.  We’ll also discuss recent developments in this area and the key advances that must be achieved for this computing paradigm to succeed.

Bernard Schott

Program Manager EU-Research, Platform Computing


Proceedings on Grid Computing serving multiple workload types from HPC to Enterprise applications



Proceedings on Grid Computing technology by Platform Computing serving multiple HPC and Enterprise workload types based on unified resource grid architecture.

Unified resource Grid architecture - Platform Enterprise Grid Orchestrator - is the enabling element and differentiator to other well-known Grid implementations today that are specialized to serve selective workload types only, e.g. only sequential jobs or only parallel batch workload, not supporting other workload types.

As specialization may be justified by the aim to optimize the Grid for a certain class of applications, it is creating new silo-type architectures, reducing the value of Grid technology to organizations and companies.

Unified resource Grid architecture - Platform Enterprise Grid Orchestrator - is delivering scalability and performance for classical HPC computing concurrently in the same grid together with SOA-real-time applications and typical business- or Enterprise-workloads. This includes policy based automated orchestration of virtual machines and application server architectures.

Operational stability – incident management - and operations and management support technologies complement the unified resource Grid solution scenario.

Further, an outlook on current and future projects presents upcoming advancements in European Grid research.

Markus Fischer

Myricom, Inc., Arcadia, CA, USA


Myri-10G and the Future of HPC Clusters


Myri-10G, Myricom's 4th generation of high-speed networking products, is a convergence at 10 Gbit/s data rates of Ethernet, the ubiquitous networking standard, and Myrinet, by far the most successful "specialty network" for HPC applications. In only a year, Myricom has made the transition from a specialty-network company to a volume supplier of both 10-Gigabit Ethernet and 10-Gigabit Myrinet products. In addition to the superb performance and microbenchmarks for the 10-Gigabit Myrinet kernel-bypass mode of operation for HPC applications, Myri-10G's seamless interoperability with 10-Gigabit Ethernet is a great asset for grids, and an ideal transition path to high-performance Ethernet clusters.

Richard Croucher


Scalable Building Blocks for Deploying Large Grids



This presentation will describe Sun's design approach for deploying  Grids. Showing how very large Grids using either Gig Ethernet or InfiniBand can be used.  Why we are seeing a shift  to fatter, and often diskless, compute nodes. The new Sun servers which are ideally suited for Grids.He will also decribe some of  the large configurations which Sun has deployed recently including the 38 TF TSUBAME cluster recently commissioned at  Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Miron Livny


Managed Data Placement in a Distributed Environment

Carl Kesselman


Virtual Communities and Science in the Large



Increasingly, significant activities in science, business and society at large take place within the context of distributed, computationally enabled collaborations. Large-scale science collaborations such as those found in astrophysics, astronomy, geophysics, and particle physics are typical of this new type of collaboration. Driven by requirements for a broad range of skill sets, participants and resources, the concept of community becomes central organizing principal for these emerging computationally empowered explorations. However, unlike traditional communities, which tend to have well defined members and boundaries, today's scientific communities are dynamic, distributed, and span institutional boundaries. This has lead to the description of these structures as virtual organizations. Virtual organizations more then just the people, but encompasses the services, resources and capabilities that are shared to achieve the goals of the shared endeavor. This leads to the inevitable question of how these distributed are communities formed, how are they maintained, how to they create new services and capabilities for their members, how do they get work done. Technologies such as service oriented architectures and Grids provide underlying foundation, but now need have mechanisms for identifying, creating and operating distributed virtual communities. In this talk, I will explore the question of how to create and empower virtual communities and how we can support community formation within the context of our information technology infrastructure.

Daniel A. Reed

Chancellor’s Eminent Professor

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Director, Renaissance Computing Institute


Scaling:  Realizing the Potential of Grids and High-end Computing



Large-scale Grids containing thousands of sites are being contemplated, developed and deployed. Similarly, node counts for terascale systems have grown to tens of thousands, with petascale system likely to contain hundreds of thousands of nodes. In addition, a tsunami of new experimental and computational data poses equally vexing problems in analysis, transport, visualization and collaboration. We must rethink traditional assumptions about software scaling, component integration and hardware reliability. Our thesis is that the “two worlds” of software – Grids and parallel systems – must meet, embodying ideas from each, if we are to build usable and useful infrastructure. This talk describes approaches to scalable performance measurement, dynamic adaptation and Grid integration.

Pete Beckman


Urgent Computing: The Future of Emergency Computation and  Shared Grid Resources


High-performance modeling and simulation are playing a driving role in decision making and prediction. For time-critical emergency support applications such as severe weather prediction, flood modeling, and influenza modeling, late results can be useless.

With HPC computing and distributed Grid resources becoming more widely available, the community can begin to build global systems and policy frameworks for utilizing high-end computational resources in support of emergency computation.

A specialized infrastructure is needed to provide computing resources quickly, automatically, and reliably. SPRUCE is a system to support urgent or event-driven computing on both traditional supercomputers and distributed Grids. Scientists are provided with transferable "right-of-way" tokens with varying urgency levels. During an  emergency, a token has to be activated at the SPRUCE portal, and jobs can then request urgent access. Local policies dictate the response, which may include providing "next-to-run" status or immediately preempting other jobs. Additional components for this architecture include a periodic testing mechanism of applications in "warm- standby" mode ensuring readiness and an automated "advisor" that helps find the best resource to submit based on deadline, queue status, site policy, and warm-standby history.

Geoffrey Fox


Grids for Scholarly Research



We discuss the support for modern research and in particular the emerging distributed interdisciplinary data deluged scientific methodology as an end (instrument, conjecture) to end (publication) process. This includes integration of components at many different timescales (microseconds for MPI, milliseconds for Web services and perhaps years for paper reviews). We need to support both Web 2.0 and its mashups and social networks as well as the traditional concerns of the Grid and HPC communities. We can speculate on both the implications for research and the growth and sunset of many organizations.

Domenico Talia


Carmela Comito and Domenico Talia


Data Integration in OGSA Grids for Distributed Information Sharing


In a distributed environment structured and semi-structured data stored in databases can be heterogeneous in their formats, schemas, quality, access mechanisms, ownership, access policies, and capabilities. We need models and techniques for managing different data resources in an integrated way. Therefore, data integration is a key issue for exploiting the availability of large, heterogeneous, distributed and highly dynamic information sources.

Data integration in Grid systems has to deal with highly dynamic data volumes provided by independent parties that happen to be participating at any given time. So, traditional approaches to data integration, such as FDBMS and the use of mediator/wrapper middleware, are not the best choice for supporting semantic data integration and cooperation in dynamic computing environments like Grids: a centralized structure for coordinating all the nodes may not be efficient because it becomes a bottleneck when a large number of nodes are involved and, most of all, it does not benefit from the dynamic and distributed nature of data resources. As a consequence, decentralized approaches, such as P2P models, can be adopted to overcome the limits of current database systems and to address semantic heterogeneity of data sources over a Grid. A P2P data integration system uses a decentralized semantic network of mappings between source schemas to reformulate user queries over every source in the network. According to this approach, in this talk we present a framework for integrating heterogeneous, XML data sources distributed over large-scale Grids. The proposed integration model is based on XML schema MAPping (XMAP) in terms of path-to-path mappings using the XPath language. The key issue of the XMAP framework is the XMAP query reformulation algorithm allowing to combine and query  XML sources through a decentralized point-to-point mediation process among the different data sources by using P2P schema mappings. The above cited XML integration formalism is exposed as a Grid Service within an OGSA-based Grid architecture that we refer to as Grid Data Integration System (GDIS). GDIS is a service-based architecture for providing data integration in Grids using a decentralized approach. The underlying model of such architecture is discussed and we showed how it fits the XMAP formalism/algorithm.

Sergei Gorlatch


Sergei Gorlatch and Jens Müller

University of Muenster, Germany


Scaling the Grid for Real-Time Online Computer Games



We report on our ongoing research in developing scalable, Grid-based solutions in the novel area of real-time, interactive Internet applications, including online computer games. While offering new opportunities for Grids, in particular, a very broad user community and industrial interest, online games pose several challenges in terms of Grid architecture and middleware, due to their high dynamicity, interactivity and real-time requirements.

Conventional architectural solutions -- client-server and p2p -- cannot provide the required level of scalability for the very popular class of massively multiplayer online games (MMOG), with hundreds and thousands of users playing in a single world. We present an alternative, scalable proxy-server architecture and describe its replication concept and consistency model. We develop an analytical Game Scalability Model (GSM) for evaluating the scalability of our proxy approach. The model provides a detailed forecast of the required computation time and communication bandwidth for a multiplayer application, thus allowing to compare different architectural and middleware solutions.

We illustrate the approach by the novel real-time strategy game Rokkatan developed at the University of Muenster, which allows several hundreds of users to participate in a fast-paced game session. The game is based on the proxy-server architecture with an eventual consistency mechanism and uses the GSM model to obtain forecasts for the main game characteristics with an error of less than 15%.

Lucio Grandinetti


An Optimizated Algorithm for Local Grid Scheduling

Ian Foster


(Joint work with Ewa Deelman, Carl Kesselman, Mike Wilde, Yong Zhao, and others)


The GriPhyN Virtual Data System



The Grid Physics Network project, GriPhyN, sponsored by the NSF, brought together four large-scale experiments in physics and astrophysics (ATLAS, CMS, LIGO, and SDSS) in partnership with computer scientists, to explore approaches to harnessing the Grid for data intensive scientific collaborations. A particular fccus of GriPhyN has been the development of data analysis and management tools that facilitate discovery, collaboration, workflow composition, and validation, and enable large-scale Grid resources to be applied to data-intensive computations. This work has led to the development of the GriPhyN Virtual Data System (VDS), a set of tools that enable the specification and execution of complex data-intensive workflows, and the subsequent management and discovery of both the resulting data products and the workflows that created them. These tools include a virtual data language for expressing in an abstract, machine-independent manner the graph of data transformations that yield an output dataset from specified input data; various planners, in particular the Pegasus system, for optimizing workflow execution; and a virtual data catalog, for tracking the results of job execution. In this talk, I provide an overview of VDS technology and review some of its application successes.

Hai Jin


Image Processing Grid: A Concrete Example in ChinaGrid



Image Processing Grid, as one of the five typical grid application in ChinaGrid, demonstrate its feasibility, efficient and practical through a set of concrete grid applications. In this talk, I will introduce the overview of Image Processing Grid, its platform and key techniques associated with this platform, discuss the current status of three grid applications, that is reconstruction of 3-D digital human being, remote sensing image processing, and medial image processing. Besides, I will also discuss the grid middleware, ChinaGrid Supporting Platform (CGSP), used in ChinaGrid, and how it applies to Image Processing Grid to support various grid applications.

Charlie Catlett


Toward The InterGrid



For several decades there have been distributed software systems, at one point aimed at "Metacomputers," in the past ten years "Grids" and more recently "service oriented architectures" based on web services.  Today most production grids achieve interoperation by coordinating the deployment of a uniform set of software and configurations - involving the installation of binary distributions in some cases and in other cases involving coordination of the build and install processes.  The emergence of standards and common approaches today presents the potential to achieve interoperation both within and among grid facilities based on a service description rather than a software and configuration (i.e. implementation) specification.  Such an approach allows individual sites within a grid, or individual grid facilities, to select or develop the best implementations, while also providing a means for achieving interoperation.  During 2006 the TeraGrid project in the United States is making a transition from a software-implementation-based to a service-based definition for interoperation of resources, involving a core set of services (authorization, information, accounting, verification and validation) combined with optional service "kits" (e.g. job execution, data storage, application development, application hosting, etc.).  Using a similar approach, TeraGrid is partnering with EGEE, NAREGI, the UK National Grid Service, DEISA, and more than a dozen other grids in a project named "Grid Interoperation Now" (GIN).  GIN is attempting to prototype the "InterGrid" based on currently available methods for authorization, information services, job submission, and data movement.  We will discuss this approach, including use cases and both near-term selected services and long-term directions, and provide an update on TeraGrid plans and on the work of the GIN collaboration.

Franck Cappello


Status and early results of the largest experimental platform for Grid research: Grid'5000



Large scale distributed systems like Grids are difficult to study only from theoretical models and simulators. Most Grids deployed at large scale are production platforms that are inappropriate research tools because of their limited reconfiguration, control and monitoring capabilities. In this talk, we present the status and early results of Grid'5000, a 5000 CPUs nation-wide infrastructure for research in Grid computing.

Grid'5000 is designed to provide a scientific tool for computer scientists similar to the large-scale instruments used by physicists, astronomers and biologists. We describe the motivations, design, architecture of Grid'5000 and performance results for the reconfiguration subsystem. We also present early results obtained with this platform.

Frank Würthwein


The Open Science Grid (OSG)



The OSG is a national computing infrastructure for high throughput computing in the US that is open for all of science, and strives to be interoperable with the LCG production infrastructure in Europe and Asia. We will describe status and goals of the OSG from an applications development perspective. We will address questions regarding the use of computing, storage, IO, as well as scalability goals for the OSG middleware stack.

Ewa Deelman


USC Information Sciences Institute



Challenges of Managing Large-Scale Scientific Workflows in Distributed Environments


Recently, workflows have emerged as a paradigm for conducting large-scale scientific analyses. The structure of a workflow specifies what analysis routines need to be executed, the data flow amongst them, and relevant execution details. These workflows often need to be executed in distributed environments, where data sources may be available in different physical locations and the processing steps may have different execution requirements. Workflows help manage the coordinated execution of related tasks. They also provide a systematic way to capture scientific methodology and provide provenance information for their results. Scientists in many disciplines are approaching data volumes and resource sharing facilities that would enable a new stage in scientific discovery. Based on our experiences in generating and managing workflows with thousands of tasks that execute over 1.8 CPU/years and process approximately 10 TB of data, this talk will describe open research problems in workflow management. We will explore the challenges from the perspective of workflow creation, compilation and execution.

Dennis Gannon

Indiana University


Science Portals for Grid Applications



This talk will describe the service-based architecture used by many scientific communities to provide applications and workflow tools to users. We will illustrate the ideas with the LEAD project and a service architecture that has been developed to help atmospheric scientists conduct large-scale simulation of extreme weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes. The user accesses the system by a web portal, which provides a secure environment in which to host tools running on remote Grid resources such as the Teragrid. The workflow composer that is accessed via the portal allows the user to create simulations by composing useful data analysis and simulation components into larger application templates which can be instantiated with data that comes from remote instrument sources or data archives.

Andrew Grimshaw


Enterprise Data Integration with Grid Technology



Both compute grids and data grids have been used in academic computing. In the extended enterprise (beyond a single site) the most compelling need is for data grids to provide real-time, and near real-time, access to data throughout the enterprise for both analytic purposes and to satisfy operational needs.  I begin my talk with a discussion of why compute grids in the extended enterprise are not a priority for companies. I will then examine the common data landscape in enterprises, and show how data grid techniques can be used to provide data integration. I will contrast data grids with alternatives such as data warehouses.

Luc Moreau


An open provenance model for scientific workflows

David Abramson


Grid Middleware for e-Science software deployment, testing and debugging



A critical ingredient for success in e-Science is appropriate Grid-enabled software which, to date, has lagged behind the high-performance computers, data servers, instruments and networking infrastructure. All software follows a life cycle, from development through execution, and back again. Grid software is no exception, although there are sufficient differences in the details of the various phases in the life cycle to make traditional tools and techniques inappropriate. For example, traditional software development tools rarely support the creation of virtual applications in which the components are distributed across multiple machines. In the Grid, these types of virtual applications are the norm. Traditional methods of distributing, testing and debugging software do not scale to the size and heterogeneity of infrastructure found in the Grid, and thus they are ineffective. In this talk I will discuss some new middleware components that specifically target the deployment, test and debug phases of the software life cycle.

Felix Heine


BabelPeers: Scalable and Semantically Rich Grid Resource Discovery

Dieter Kranzlmuller


Authors: Dieter Kranzlmüller & Owen Appleton


The EGEE-II Project: Evolution Towards a Permanent European Grid Initiative



EGEE-II operates the world's largest multi-disiplinary Grid infrastructure. It is a European Commission funded project bringing together more than 90 partners in 32 countries to produce a reliable and scalable computing resource available to the European and global research community.

Bringing experience from a wide range of earlier Grid projects and many of the world's top Grid experts, EGEE-II is a dramatic step toward a sustainable European Grid infrastructure that can provide a platform for research in the twenty-first century.This presentation provides an overview of the work of EGEE-II: its infrastructure, middleware, applications and support structures. From this not only the achievements but the lessons learned relevant to other projects and initiatives will be identified. Following this, the relationships with other Grid projects, both large generalized initiatives and more focussed efforts, will be examined. This will demonstrate the increasing cooperation between projects, and the synergies and problems that have emerged from such cooperation. Finally, from this experience the current state of future plans will be explained. This will cover the emerging federated model for sustainable future Grid infrastructures, and the current proposals for centralized oversight of the emerging European Grid infrastructure.

Wolfgang Gentzsch

D-Grid Coordinator





Globalization demands global infrastructures, e.g. for transportation, communication, and collaboration. Collaboration will be facilitated by grid infrastructures, which are currently being built in hundreds of grid projects around the world. The 5-year German D-Grid initiative aims at developing a common grid infrastructure for "Services for Scientists", to be tested by Community Grids (high-energy physics, astronomy, climate, medicine, engineering, libraries). Recently, a 2nd Call invited new communities, IT service providers and industry users to help expand the user community, and to strengthen D-Grid towards a productive and sustainable service platform. This lecture will present an overview on D-Grid, and its challenges and benefits for the national and international science and industry community.

Mirco Mazzucato


National Grid initiatives in Italy



Started at the beginning of 2000, with the INFN Grid project  the national production ( infrastructure is now a reality. It includes more than 40 resource sites, a Certification Authority, Registration Authorities, release and central support of main general grid services as, Computing and Storage Access, VO management and VO policy enforcing framework, data management, information system, resource brokering and scheduling. An operation and support center is operational 24x7 at CNAF Bologna. The Italian grid is currently used by more than 20 Virtual Organizations, is fully integrated with the European EGEE and the worldwide LHC Computing Grid e-Infrastructure. It also provides a powerful grid demonstrator to attract newcomers, see .  Application fields that are of maximum interest for such high performance Grid platform include:

           Earth Observation



           Biology and Genomics

           Computational chemistry

This talk will review the current major middleware developments made by INFN and the progress towards a national grid organization supporting the Italian Grid infrastructure (IGI) and the construction of the Consortium for the Open Middleware Enabling Grid Application (c-OMEGA) which aim at providing a general support for the diffusion of the grid technology in Industry, Commerce and Government.

John O’Callaghan

Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing


The APAC National Grid



The Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC) is a national partnership of 8 organisations, one in each State as well as the Australian National University (ANU) and CSIRO. 

APAC and its partners are developing Australia’s capabilities in advanced computing, data management and grid infrastructure and are involved in research, development, education, training and outreach activities. 

The APAC National Grid is being installed to allow researchers easy access to distributed computation and data management facilities at the APAC National Facility and the partner facilities and to services that support research collaboration, nationally and internationally.

The National Grid is being developed in collaboration with specific research teams in astronomy, high-energy physics, bioinformatics, geosciences, chemistry and earth systems science. 

The core grid middleware is the Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT), complemented with toolkits for virtual organisation management, resource discovery, job scheduling and job monitoring.

The APAC Certificate Authority provides an authentication service for users of the National Grid and has been recently recognised as a production level service by the Asia-Pacific Grid Policy Management Authority (APGridPMA). 

The presentation will focus on the design of the National Grid and its services for distributed computing and data management.  It will provide examples of the use of these services by the applications.

Satoshi Sekiguchi


NAREGI as National Cyber Science Infrastructure and beyond



The Grid Middleware developed at NAREGI makes the various computational resources (heterogeneous high-performance computers, high-end servers) appear as one huge virtual computing resource to a user. This grid is based on the open grid services architecture (OGSA), which is steadily becoming a global standard. It serves as the core to the Cyber Science Infrastructure and is the backbone of future advanced science research. In this talk, its current status and future plan will be presented.

Guy Tel-Zur


Grid and High-Performance Computing in Israel



This presentation is meant to give a broad overview of the present and future activities in Grid and High-Performance Computing in Israel. There will be a distinction between the Academia and the Industry.

In the Academia the following topics will be described: The Inter University Computation Center (IUCC) – which is responsible for common infrastructures like Networking, the Israel Academic Grid (IAG) which coordinates and represents all the academic institutes and universities that are involved with EGEE. Then, several important Grid and HPC projects by individual groups will be described with special attention to a few Condor implementations.

The Industry sector is mainly organized under the umbrella of the Israel Association of Grid Technologies (IGT). This young, non-profit, association already has 30 members from leading High-Tech firms and some of its achievements will also be described.

The presentation will be concluded by describing future plans such as the proposed IsraGrid initiative.

Jean Pierre Prost


Presenters: Jean-Pierre Prost, IBM WW Grid Strategy and Technology Team, Montpellier, France
Rosa M. Badia, Grid Computing and Clusters Manager, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Latin American Grid Initiative Joint Research Program Overview


The LA(Latin-American) Grid is an IBM initiative, started in late 2005 and aimed at dramatically increasing the quantity and quality of Hispanic Technical Professionals entering the Information Technology fields. At the core of this initiative is the development of a computer grid across multiple universities and IBM to serve as a platform and a catalyst for education, advanced research, collaboration and talent development, in the critical and emerging fields of grid computing, distributed systems and supercomputing. Today, five joint research projects are on-going, involving Florida International University, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, University of Miami, Tecnologico de Monterrey, and IBM Research, in the areas of grid technology (e.g. metascheduling, autonomic resource management) and applications that can leverage the technology (e.g. hurricane mitigation and bio-technologies).
This talk will provide a brief overview of the LA Grid initiative with more focus on the joint research program. For each project, the goals and directions will be presented as well as some of the underlying technologies the projects are building upon. In conclusion, we will outline future plans of the initiative, both in terms of collaborative research and in terms of infrastructure buildout and talent development.

Zhiwei Xu


Research Agenda for China National Grid and Vega Grid



This talk will present two grid research projects in China, a multi-group China National Grid project and the Vega Grid project at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It will give an overview of the advances of the two projects in 2002-2005, and discuss their research agenda for 2006-2010. The talk will emphasize essential issues and international cooperation.


Kihyeon Cho


Cyberinfrastructure in Korea: Status Report



Overview of cyberinfrastructure in Korea, which consists of computing resource, network, middleware, and application, will be presented. In particular, emphasis will be given on the issues and strategies on the integration of the components for production level national cyberinfrastructure. Applications which take full advantage of Korea’s advanced broadband infrastructure will also be discussed.

Kyriakos Baxevanidis



European Commission 7th FP Preview

Sanzio Bassini



DEISA Project - European Supercluster Alliance

Thomas Lippert


Blue Gene -  A Paradigm Shift in HPC?



Presently, we witness a rapid transition of cutting edge supercomputing towards highest scalability, utilizing up to hundreds of thousands of processors for cost-effective capability computing. As so often experienced in the past, a great leap forward in performance will result in new emerging phenomena and insights for many fields of computational science and engineering. A considerable number of "highly scalable" problems already benefits from this development and more and more simulation science will enter this class, with ongoing advances of scalable algorithms and software. Still, many HPC-problems, maybe the majority, are less scalable by nature, might require intricate communication capabilities or a large non-distributed memory space with fast memory access. General purpose supercomputers like clusters of SMPs or NUMA-clusters are needed for the latter class. It has become a hot debate within the community if the advent of highly scalable systems like Blue Gene and the emergence of a more heterogeneous hardware landscape signal the onset of a paradigm shift in HPC.

Staying abreast of changes, the German national supercomputing centre "John von Neumann Institute for Computing" (NIC), the supercomputer centre of the Helmholtz Association, has recently complemented its 9 Teraflop/s general purpose SMP-cluster by a 46 Teraflop/s Blue Gene/L supercomputer, currently being one of the fastest computers in Europe. Both systems share a huge global parallel file system which is part of the file system of the European DEISA alliance. With this configuration, the NIC is able both to meet the requirements of a very broad range of projects and to support a selected number of high-end simulation projects, aiming at leadership in science and engineering.

After a discussion of these developments, I will present a few examples demonstrating the added value through a dual hardware approach. I will describe NIC's concept of simulation laboratories to accommodate and support a diversity of scientific disciplines. I will sketch our mid-term and long-term plans and the future role of the NIC as part of the European e-Science ecosystem.

Antonio Arena



Grid Portals: Experiences and Perspectives

Rizos Sakellariou

University of Manchester, UK


Parallel Job Scheduling for HPC on the Grid: The Case for Novel Forms of Scheduling



Current parallel systems typically provide a limited level of service to their users; essentially this can be summarized to "run a job whenever it gets to the head of the job queue". New patterns of usage (arising from Grid computing) have resulted in the introduction of advance reservation, where jobs can be made to run at a precise time. However, this is again an excessive level of service, which has several disadvantages for the resource owner. In recent work (, we have focused on the benefits resulting from the usage of Service Level Agreements in job scheduling for Grid-enabled resources.

This talk will highlight the problems arising in parallel job scheduling on the Grid, will discuss the key issues related to SLA based job scheduling and will present results as well as challenges to be addressed.

Claudio Arlandini


Present and Future of Project Sepac



Project SEPAC (South European Partnership for Advanced Computing) is a Grid Project involving CILEA, ETH Zurich, HP, SPACI and University of Zurich. Its focus is in testing Grid technologies in a large supercomputing centers environment.

Great importance is attributed to usability by actual customers, industrial or academics. In this talk the main achievements so far and the future prospects will be illustrated.

Giovanni Aloisio


G. Aloisio, M. Cafaro, I. Epicoco, S. Fiore

University of Lecce & SPACI Consortium


An integrated approach to Grid Resource Management



Grid computing is a rapidly developing and changing field, involving the shared and coordinated use of dynamic, multi-institutional resources. Grid resource management is the process of identifying requirements, matching resources to applications, allocating those resources, and scheduling and monitoring Grid resources over time in order to run Grid applications as efficiently as possible. While Grids are almost commonplace, the use of good Grid resource management tools is far from ubiquitous because of the many open issues of the field, including the multiple layers of schedulers, the lack of control over resources, the fact that resources are shared, and that users and administrators have conflicting performance goals. We present our experience in building, administering and using the SPACI and SEPAC grids through the Grid Resource Broker portal, a web gateway to Globus Toolkit based grid environments. The GRB Portal main goal is to mediate between the user's request and the Grid offering, thus hiding the complexity of the underlying middleware. The GRB acts as a mediator component, with the aim of bridging the gap between the scientist and the Grid. GRB leverages grid technologies developed at the University of Lecce, Italy, on top of the Globus Toolkit: many grid libraries providing high-level grid services, a GSI plug-in for the gSOAP Toolkit, the iGrid Information Service. The GRB also exploits the GRelC Data Access libraries to manage through the web portal Grid Databases (access to relational databases, flat files and so on), submit SQL queries and retrieve information about stored relational data sources. Moreover we have been integrating the GRelC Data Storage libraries to manage workspaces and collections of files, perform (reliable) data transfer, access file using Posix-like APIs, and so on.

Marcelo Pasin



An Efficient Interoperable High Performance Programming Architecture for the Grid

Christopher Huggins


DAS -The World's Fastest Grid



The DAS-3 grid will consists of 5 clusters provided by ClusterVision and hosted by four universities in the Netherlands. The grid will have a total theoretical peak performance of more than 3.8TFLOP. Each cluster has a Myri-10G network from Myricom, which connects over 8 10GigE links to the new Dutch academic SURFnet-6 network. The DAS-3 grid will be a key research tool in the context of the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) funded StarPlane project led by the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit. The StarPlane project aims to empower grid applications to use the most advanced features of the dynamically reconfigurable multi-colour optical backbone of the Dutch National Research and Education Network SURFnet-6. Using photonic devices such as wavelength selective switches and micro electro mechanical switch devices the topology can be adapted to dynamically optimise the network capacity to the grid application needs.

Umit Catalyurek


Application of Grid Technology in Cancer Research: Middleware and Tools



Information technology is playing an increasingly important role in cancer research. Basic and clinical research to understand and cure this complex disease requires synthesis of information from a range of data sources. Moreover, cooperative studies involving researchers from multiple institutions have great potential to significantly improve and add to the understanding of cancer. There is a need for advanced information technologies to support the discovery and integration of information, the sharing of data and analysis tools, the management and analysis of large datasets, and the execution of multi-institutional, coordinated studies. We will describe and discuss the application of Grid infrastructures and middleware tools for cancer research. We will present an overview of our Grid middleware systems (STORM, Mobius, DataCutter) as well as the NCI-funded cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) effort and its Grid infrastructure, called caGrid. We will also present several application projects that employ these middleware tools to support distributed data management and integration for design of experiments and comparative studies, and large scale, distributed image analysis.

Barbara Chapman


Support for Specification and Scheduling of an Air Quality Forecast Code on the Grid



Large-scale applications are increasingly composed of a number of different components, which may interact in complex ways at run time. Such applications may consume substantial resources and are often loosely coupled; hence they are obvious candidates for grid computing.

At the University of Houston, we have been working to develop and deploy a state-of-the-art Air Quality Forecast application in order to reliably predict atmospheric pollution in our region.  This application has a complex workflow and non-trivial amounts of data must be transferred between different components during execution.  In our search for gridware to support its automated scheduling and execution, we did not find a system that permitted its specification, scheduling and job launch as desired.  To address this gap in functionality, we have created the dataflow language GAMDL to describe a workflow application's logic.

In this presentation, we describe our application, its requirements, and the features of GAMDL as well as the metascheduling architecture being implemented to complete our support for the production of air quality

forecasts for our local and state officials.

Stephen M. Pickles


Collaboration grids: costs, benefits, and scaling laws



"Group-forming networks have the property that the benefit of oining the network grows exponentially with the size of the network.

In this talk, I make the conjecture that collaboration grids are examples of group-forming networks. The argument proceeds by ounting the number of collaborations that a common grid infrastructure allows members to form with each other. I go on to consider some of the costs of joining a grid from the different perspectives of resource providers nd consumers, and examine how these costs scale. I illustrate the provider perspective with examples drawn from the operation of the UK National Grid ervice, and the consumer Prspective with examples drawn from the experience of the UK e-Science project RealityGrid. If my conjecture is true, then combining two grids into a larger one yields a grid whose alue is greater than the sum of its parts. In this light, I describe the challenges faced by recent Grid Interoperation Now (GIN) initiative, re-examine the concept of Virtual Organisations and reflect on the need for standards."

Anatoly Sachenko



Deployment of a GRID System for Space Weather Prediction using Neural Networks